Do Men In the West Now Face More Sexism Than Women?


I read this take and agreed with all the examples of misandry.

such as men are significantly more likely to be convicted for committing the same crime as women, and receive a 63% longer sentence.

Social services are vastly more difficult for men to access than for women while 76% of the homeless population is comprised of single men who have long waiting lists.

In the US they have the draft for men only and
"If you are required to register and you don't, you will not be eligible for federal student aid, federal job training, a federal job, or U.S. citizenship. You may be prosecuted and face a stiff fine and/or jail time."
Its also generally men only when any country had a draft and the initiations don't exactly look like most peoples cup of tea.

Do men in the west now face more sexisum than women?

If where honest IRL at least most pepole generally treat women more nicely when something has happened or there asking for help.

there's also efforts such as gender quotas and leg up programs to help women in male dominated professions yet nothing for men in female dominated profetions and the gender quotas can come at the expence of more qualified and competant men in male dominated profetions such as enginering. Men also have to be far more careful in caring professions such as teaching and to a lesser extent nursing.

Do Men In the West Now Face More Sexism Than Women?

Where far more likely to be seen as creepy or be accused of harassment for saying the same thing whether where ugly, attractive, black, white etc the guy is more likely to be seen as the problem in the same situation.

It also seem that where more likely to experience racial preference in dating as women seem to be more likely not to be willing to date outside their race than men.

In dating many women still expect us to do everything ask, pay , some even take it to a whole new level and no one wants to be in a one way relationship.

If she lied about birth control or the condom is faulty and she gets pregnant we have no way to get out if we can't or don't want a kid we have to pay child support may not be able to afford or stay with someone who may be abusive and or toxic and raise your kid with them.

The list of things i can think of women have going against them in the west , in society and the legal system is a lot shorter.
- more catcalling / geting hit on
- tampons aren't free
- when there's a formal dress code it's less uniform and may involve heals.
Im sure there are more but thats all i can think of right now.

Do Men In the West Now Face More Sexism Than Women?
1 Opinion