Pelosi, earlier this month, reinforced there is no EVIDENCE of collusion seeks investigation. FBI Director Comey Confirms Collusion

Pelosi, earlier this month, reinforced there is no EVIDENCE of collusion seeks investigation. FBI Director Comey Confirms Collusion

Nancy Pelosi has been dodging questions as to the ongoing investigation left and right. But it is classified information she is not in a position to speak on nor does she want to stoke the fire with no evidence abound.

This is not something either side of Congress wants to see as a partisan issue. A foreign government interfering ina sovereign nation's election merits investigation. This we all agree on.

That investigation leading to, layer after layer of contact between that foreign power and a candidate's proxys', deserves to be a fair and unfettered, nonpartisan inquiry.

Many blamed Comey for sinking Hillary with his reopening of her email scandal days prior to election only to find nothing.

Trump has kept him on as a result seeing him as helpful and trustworthy. Which he is, and that is also what made keeping him on a mistake.

He seeks the truth. He didn't want this role. But the evidence of Russian interference seems deep and wide and maybe has nothing to do with Trump. But every path must be explored.

The TTT is new and maybe these were rookie mistakes and backdoor promises not criminal in intent. It was innocent business men not understanding policy and governance.

Or it is perhaps, by a large stretch, TREASON. Colluding with a foreign power for personal gain at the expense of your country's interest.

The thing is that in the Commonwealth and US, due to treason being broadly applied to just about anything in the Middle Ages, Common Law these days has a narrow definition of treason.

A private businessman colluding with Russia to win an election isn't treason by common law.

If its found that Trump Proxies colluded criminally or otherwise on election related conversation, what does that mean?

who gets to rule and how do we deal constitutionally?

yikes anyone want to touch that can of hypothetical worms?

Pelosi, earlier this month, reinforced there is no EVIDENCE of collusion seeks investigation. FBI Director Comey Confirms Collusion
2 Opinion