What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

For as long as I can remember, I have always been different. I like quiet, I don't like crowds or hanging out with more than one person. I like being alone, but... not always.

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

Being introverted means that I tend to spend most of my time alone, I don't thrive on hanging out with other people. I love to read and write, I tend to be good at those things. And it's also peaceful, which is something that i'm in desperate need of sometimes. My family and job/college tend to be kind of a hassle sometimes.

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

Most of the time, spending time with a lot of loud people or strangers makes me very uncomfortable. Which, I have to do a lot of when it comes to my school and work, not to mention my family. I come from a very extroverted family, that's kind of difficult for me and I wish they understood that. Unfortunately, they don't. They scold me for being different and for being so queit and shy. My work and college are the same. They tell me to smile and talk more, but I can't do that. Working in a retail store for me is very difficult when it comes to other people, especially the customers who either like to talk a lot or get angry when you don't talk to them.

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

For that very reason, I get lonely sometimes too. People can't understand me and tend to either avoid or talk about me to themselves. I wish that they didn't, because I do want a few friends, friends who can understand me and wouldn't write me off as snobby or anything like that. Because I am nice. And the people that I know tend to tell me, i'm very sweet. I'm just introverted it's just who I am and there's nothing wrong with that.

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

Nowadays, I do tend to avoid people after years of disappointment and getting hurt. I'm still nice and sweet, I just don't necessarily think that people really even want to hear what I have to say, so why bother?

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

Even so, I do sometimes still look for people who are like me and get me. There aren't many people in the world, but if I find someone who's like me, i'm keeping them. I want a connection with someone who can understand me and who's so much like me. And as for this extroverted world, here's a letter from me:

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

Dear World,

Please understand that not everyone likes crowds or talking and being around people. And most introvers? They just want you to understand that and not make fun of them or think of them as freaks. Because hey, don't you think that the world would be boring if everyone was the same? Please respect that.


An Introverted Girl

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World

What It's Like To Be An Introverted Girl In An Extroverted World
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