The Modern MGTOW Effect

This is it. The end of the world. Instead of murder in the first degree, we're killing each other with the words we say. Anger and resentment from all sides. I feel so helpless as I stand back to watch the destruction unfold. Is this what we've been reduced to? Spewing insults during debates over whether or not there's fairness in the world?

It's us, I think to myself. We need to change. How many actually believe that though? We say it but do we mean it? Change starts from within. We make all the difference. The words sing like a song of inspiration for us. We know all the lyrics but don't quite understand its meaning.

Men and women will always be different. We say this too but don't understand it either. #Feminism feels like another one of those elitist movements where they hail one gender while demeaning another. They insist upon equality but their testimonies are littered with unapologetic bitterness and resentment towards men. They have their reasons. They're justified. Centuries of abuse and women are finally taking a stand. This whole #MGTOW thing seems like another "mantrum."

Men. They must be at fault.

The Modern MGTOW Effect

So I do some online digging. Why are men to blame? It's a question left open for any and all answers. And I'm not on a mission to prove an invalidated point. Curiosity is my motivation.

The Modern MGTOW Effect

MGTOW. Bingo. First search under a youtube video of women reacting to the term. I don't bother with the video though. It's probably biased. Still haven't watched it since. This time, it's going to be all about men. Clicking on the link, I prepare myself for the worst. Women haters who have elevated themselves to the level of God just because they feel it's their place in the world. Like they've been called by some higher being to preach to the masses of their insignificant woes. Now that women are speaking up, they obviously feel threatened.

Then it hit me. This isn't a response to Feminism like I originally thought. It's a shield. Protect at all costs. Don't let your guard down or else you'll lose all dignity. Stand up for yourself even in the heat of battle but never ever drop that shield.

That itch I couldn't scratch was coming back. What was once mere curiosity shifted into a strong desire to know. After reading through some other online articles, I learned that this movement of Men Going Their Own Way wasn't just about abandoning romantic relationships with women. It was about self-respect and knowing one's worth.

Wait a minute. Self-respect, I think? Knowing one's worth after years of objectifying women? To say the least, it was a little disheartening. But I continued to read, tossing aside my emotions and putting myself in their position. And you know what's crazy? It wasn't all that hard to understand. What I learned was that, in the end, although feeling a little heartbroken, I came out with a different and much clearer perspective.

These men are underappreciated - if appreciated at all. These men are driven to the ground based on their thoughts, opinions and politics. These men are unloved.

The Modern MGTOW Effect

It's the same battle women fight every day. The cause of the war is different for both genders but the devastating effect is the same. In the end, both genders lose. So it begs the question of what's there to really live for? Our children? Because they'll either become an extreme variation of either a Feminist or a MGTOW. There goes our chances for creating a legacy. What's the point then if there is no love?

Unconditional love means acceptance. Isn't that all any of us ever want? To be loved and appreciated for who and what we are?

I wonder if it'll change anyone's views on either gender. Society and its stereotypes has marred that for us though, and I know that nothing will ever change unless we make that change. I'm not talking about marches and protests and online rants. You sure get your point across that way. Change truly does come from within but it loses its meaning without love. I believe this is the basis of most diplomatic persons, the core of their beliefs.

It scares me to think that the men of this movement are giving up on relationships with women. Was that the Feminists intention this whole time? To push men so far down in the ground that they feel utterly useless? To destroy their worth and importance to family, the workplace, and society?

The Modern MGTOW Effect

Suffering at the hands of men for centuries, women have finally taken their stand. The stereotypes and the sex crimes and the unfair treatment practically anywhere in the world - this is where Feminism stands strong against such animosity. Still, some men have made it their mission to tear that last shred of hope to pieces by claiming men have also suffered due to prejudices. So then, why the fight? If you understand the suffering then you wouldn't want to inflict it on anyone else. Or would you?

Because, in the end, we're all one race of people. All we have left is each other so why are we letting go? There was something a character in a show said that's really stuck with me: "The problem with the world is not that there's evil but that there's good." That, to me, is the basis of this struggle. We hurt others because we can. We hurt ourselves because we can. There is no love because we don't want it. When there is love, we destroy it before it's ever had the chance to thrive. And with all the crime in the world today, it feels hopeless. So then what are we living for? I don't know. I'm too young to answer this question. All I know is what I want for myself but, without a man, how can I get that? Then again, with their own brand of thinking, is a life with a man who feels either superior or inferior to me what I really want?

The Modern MGTOW Effect

My research into the MGTOW movement hasn't ended. For as long as it's around, I'll always question its principles and ideals. The same goes for Feminism in each of its waves. Throughout it, I've tried to maintain an objective and pragmatic point of view. I'm a woman who believes in equality but doesn't consider herself a Feminist. There might be some backlash regarding my choice but it's mine to make, after all. We stick to our labels as a defense, I think. This helps us navigate the world in our own way. We're allowed to do this, more so in countries like America where individual freedom isn't condemned. All it takes is one step toward a willingness to love. Bigotry does exist because we refuse to identify the real problem of the world and where it lies - within ourselves.

The Modern MGTOW Effect
Post Opinion