Do you think women are becoming the new dominant sex?

Increasingly, we can see a shift in the demographics in the west.

Women achieve 2 degrees for every 1 a male achieves.
Women are becoming independent and no longer rely on men at all and don't really need them whereas men need us.

Women are starting to obtain typical traditional male traits such as being independent like I said, intelligent, dominant (there are sooo many more dominant women out there now), rational, assertive when needed, ambitious and even aggressiveness, don't underestimate us.

Whereas male on the other hand and actually taking on some of the traditional female traits such as being dependent (like I said earlier), less ambitious (we can see this from data) and honestly really timid, a lot of guys are scared of approaching us or even to speak to us, they lack major confidence. Although this is true for both genders at times, I see girls/women with more confidence in this day and age on average. Even being home orientated is something we can see guys becoming more and more, there is a surge of househusbands/stay at home dads which are good to see.

It's basically a reversal of roles in my view and it's not something which is forcefully happening, it's something that has been happening for a few decades now, it's an amazing time to be alive for a female right now (in the west) but there is obviously a lot more work to be done.

So my question for you is, do you think women are becoming the dominant sex?
+1 y
I can already sense the butthurt guys about to comment :')
Do you think women are becoming the new dominant sex?
Post Opinion