What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?

Red roses

What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?


Only one red rose means " I love you".

White roses

What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?


It is the purest way to show your love. And another meaning of them is "Marry Me".

Pink roses

What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?


The mixture of romance and pureness.

Yellow roses

What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?


So it is not a good idea to give them to your significant other.


What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?

Passion and purity.

"I will always be with you"


What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?

Just like roses the red one represents romance and the white one represents pureness.


What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?

Sincerity and loyality.

Pink: "You bought joy into my life."

Red: "I love you deeply."

White:" You have a pure heart."

What Does That Bouquet of Flowers Say to Your Loved One?
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