How do you deal with loneliness?

Let's tackle the elephant in the room – loneliness. It's that unwelcome companion that can sneak up on us, making even the sunniest days...
13 58

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

I saw it again a few weeks ago at a festival. Another guy following around a girl he likes like a puppy. I know this girl. Friendly and...
21 53

The Benefits of Traveling Alone: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Introduction: Picture this: You find yourself in a bustling foreign city, the aroma of exotic street food wafting through the air, the...
8 20

Dating is hard, getting a date can be hard, try not to be hard on yourself

Some people get discouraged when they get rejected, or they feel like people just don't find them attractive, well, it's hard. You could...
6 23

Instead of getting mad at each other for overthinking too much, make your intentions clear from the jump

Sometimes we get angry with each other(especially with the opposite gender) for overthinking, like when people get on here, and say...
4 6

Agree or disagree? Confidence turns women off

I think the core reason so many women dislike Andrew Tate is that he is over reliant on confidence and boldness. It's his whole...
27 48

The question keeps coming up but the answer is simple. Why does society value women for their youth and looks and men for their wealth and strength?

I think that the reason this question keeps coming up is because some people do not want to accept the clear answer. It all goes back to...
10 25

What is your biggest pet peeve of the political party opposite your own belief?

Also what is your own belief when it comes to that topic? Try to be more specific than "they just lie a lot".

Are the Dune books worth reading?

I watched the movies and liked the atmosphere. People I watch on youtube, most of them suggest to read the series.. Have you read it? Is...

What to add to plain pasta?

What is the best thing to add to plain pasta? For me, pesto sauce, but I am curious about your preferances, so maybe I can try something...
14 20

What is your favorite restaurant chain?

My favorite restaurant chain is Starbucks closely followed by Chipotle.
9 22

Do you agree that in general conventionally good looking men are more successful with women than conventionally normal or bad-looking guys?

I always tell people that the vast majority of good looking guys I know are successful with women and the normal and not so good looking...
5 11

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Do you think Love is a Choice?

I absolutely believe Love is a Choice. Conscious or Unconscious, but definitely a choice.
26 49

Does our modern culture make you want to vomit 🤮?

Yeah, this makes me want to puke.

What am I supposed to say when someone asks what I’m looking for in a man?

I mostly get asked this by men. I feel like I’m lying because men believe whatever a woman says they think she’s lying. It’s why I dodge...

What is the best cheese for pizza?

I think I put too much mozzarella on it. It is not elastic as usual when I get a slice.
11 16
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