Instead of getting mad at each other for overthinking too much, make your intentions clear from the jump

Instead of getting mad at each other for overthinking too much, make your intentions clear from the jump

Sometimes we get angry with each other(especially with the opposite gender) for overthinking, like when people get on here, and say "what does it mean, if a woman says you're nice, or "what does it mean if a guy watches my snapchat stories, and replies to some of them, and most people say it means nothing, but it stems from society always thinking there's a hidden meaning behind stuff. I obviously get it, sometimes there is, maybe it does mean something more, if a woman compliments a man she doesn't know very well, or if a guy likes almost all of your Facebook posts, however, this is a matter of 'don't hate the player, hate the game''.

I hear people say social media is meaningless, and I agree, but society has put so much stock into likes, followers, retweets, etc. The point is, just tell people what you want, or don't want initially, as opposed to giving them the opportunity to do all this "irrational thinking". I'd rather people tell the truth, compared to running in circles around it.

Don't just expect someone to take the hint, and then get upset, because they didn't take it. Some people just don't have socialization skills obviously, and there doesn't have to be someone to blame for that, just don't leave it up to them, to have to guess, and take a chance, possibly leading to them and you get offended, you know?

Instead of getting mad at each other for overthinking too much, make your intentions clear from the jump
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