If she’s texting you nonstop there’s a 99% chance she likes you bro

If a girl (or guy for that matter) is always texting you and you two are just having a back and forth conversation through text all day...
22 16

Dating Tips For Guys

I can feel the eye rolls from here, a blah, but with any advice, take it or leave it, but listening to...
4 37

"just do things you enjoy and you'll meet people" = Most out of touch dating advice

As stated in the title that advice is garbage. If your goal is to meet people naturally away from work then its always better to place...
4 18

HOT TAKE: Having A Type Is Unhealthy In A Long Term Relationship and Here's Why

Well for starters, let's clearly define what it means to have a "type." Your type is what you're attracted to, whether it's firm abs or...
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What does it mean to only be interested in Long-Term Relationship?

You see this often on dating sites, single person only interested in long term relationships. But what does that really mean? On one...
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Men vs. women making mistakes

I don't know if it's only me, but it seems to me that guys get away with making mistakes *early on* more than women do. In the sense of...
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Why You Should Never Get Back With Your Ex?

Preface: There exists a wide array of anecdotes that are the exception to what I'm about to say. If your story is one such where you did...
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Is this the reality for men with fewer options in relationships?

I just turned 34 last month and it's been now 4 years since my last break-up. 4 long years of nothing, no luck at all, not even a bit....

Is it weird I’m not allowed to eat food at my mothers house?

I live at @ home and I’m an adult who lives at home and my parents have 4 little kids and my step dad doesn’t allow me to eat any of the...

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Do girls ever act mean or rude to a guy they like?

If a girl likes a guy will she ever deliberately act rude or act like she doesn't like him when she actually does? if so, what are some...
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I'm curious about this couple?

I'm very curious about this couple who has videos online. Girl or boy, if anyone knows, can you tell me their names. I think they live...

Do you have an ideal type made up in your head?

I know this is weird but for me he’s a tall, curly or straight haired Latino with big arm muscles and a little arm tattoo who treats me...
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