HOT TAKE: Having A Type Is Unhealthy In A Long Term Relationship and Here's Why

HOT TAKE: Having A Type Is Unhealthy In A Long Term Relationship and Heres Why

Well for starters, let's clearly define what it means to have a "type." Your type is what you're attracted to, whether it's firm abs or a nice booty or maybe even a certain hair color! But what you're attracted to changes over time, and so your type does too.

And that's where things get difficult.

When you get a crush someone who's really hot and is perfectly your type you dream of dating them. And it's really exciting when you actually do get to date them. But you lose some of the initial excitement when they do something selfish or mean, which happens in a long term relationship. Now your emotional relationship with your partner is a little unstable and you're relying on physical attraction. Two or three years down the road your type starts to change or your partner doesn't look as good as they did before or both!

It ends up being really hard for all parties because the physical attraction is gone, and that's what you built a relationship with. It was bound to happen sometime, right?

Not necessarily. Personally I believe that when you are attracted to somebody emotionally before you're attracted to them physically it makes for a much healthier relationship that isn't based on physical attraction. Rather, it is based on valuing your partner for who they are, with all their faults. And from my experience, it's much healthier :)

Thanks for reading all this! Let me know what you think!

HOT TAKE: Having A Type Is Unhealthy In A Long Term Relationship and Here's Why
15 Opinion