What Is With The Questions Asked On GirlsAskGuys?

So I've been on this site a year or less than that, I don't bother to remember. I've answered alot of questions on here and one thing always remains the same.

The site gets the same questions over and over again, even though the stories and situations are different. But frankly, the types of questions on here I'm finding are getting more and more idiotic as time goes on.

When did we as a society stop trying to use our brains and figure out the situation ourselves instead of quickly running to another person or Q&A site like this to get the answer that is always so blatantly obvious.

Do we not have common sense anymore? When did we all lose the ability to rationalize and think things through? So I might as well answer everyone's questions in this article all at once because I don't want to see these types of questions anymore:

1. Does he/she like me?

My answer: Doesn't matter what he or she does/doesn't do. It doesn't matter that your situation is different. There are no ifs ands or buts. If you like them ask them out. I don't care if your scared of rejection. Guess what. Everyone is scared and everyone has gotten rejected. If they say no, then they aren't worth dating. How is that not simple to understand?

2. I'm dating this married man/woman and...

My answer: I don't care what the problem is, the very first thing you need to do is stop dating someone who's taken, I don't care if they are in the middle of getting a divorce or don't longer love their spouse. YOU DO NOT DATE A MARRIED OR TAKEN PERSON.

3. Do girls masturbate?

My answer: Yes. Duh. I should slap you in the head for asking that.

4. Who pays for dates?

My answer: If you asked you pay. If he/she asked, they should pay. If it was mutual then go dutch. But frankly who cares about who pays. If you find yourself paying all the time. Then you're being used. Quit dating them.

5. What should I wear to attract guys/girls or What are guys/girls attracted to?

My Answer: Any question related to finding out what can make you more appealing to the opposite sex is a dumb question for one simple fact. If you have to do anything to make you seem more appealing to someone else then why bother associating with them. I personally only date or befriend people who accept me for me.

Those are the types of questions that I am tired of seeing on this site. So if you get a blunt answer from me, it isn't because I'm mean or trying to be mean but I don't see when as a society we all got so stupid. Don't we go through at least 12 years of education for a reason?

Think before you ask people, that's all I care about.
What Is With The Questions Asked On GirlsAskGuys?
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