Secrets to Getting Your Ex Back

Do you want to get your ex back? Are you tired of hurting and feeling lost and alone?

I've written this article to try and give you hope and some help in winning back your love. It can be really difficult to think rationally when you are going through such emotional trauma. I know well what you are feeling having gone through the same thing myself - and hope never to repeat again.

You may be feeling hopeless when there may be more hope for your relationship than you realize. Your ex may have said a lot of things in the heat of the moment that they may not really mean. Telling someone you want to break up is upsetting to the person wanting to break up as well as to the dumpee. Just think about some of the things you've said when you were mad and upset and later regretted. It's better to concentrate on what you can do to repair things than focus on what they said.

This is the usual scenario of the person who got dumped:

They beg and plead with their ex to hear them out. You feel like if you can just explain how much you truly love them that they couldn't possibly let you go. This can take the form of phoning, texting, emailing or even following them around.

What's the problem with that you might ask? The problem is that your ex really wants a break and you are not giving it to them. They may or may not know if they want the break to be permanent or not and need time to themselves to think.

Pay attention to this next part - I beg you to seriously consider this if you want to get your ex back.

There are 3 things in particular that have really helped people succeed in winning back their ex.

Have no contact: This means giving them the break they asked for. You may not realize it but you need a break too. If things got so bad that you had to break up then you need time to let your emotions cool down so you can think things through. Try and figure out what went wrong and what you can do to fix it.

Work on your problems: Obviously there were problems or you'd still be together. Your ex may likely have told you some of them and then you'll know what bothered them. Work on making some real changes in your life so the same problems don't pop up again if you do get back together.

Get on with your life: Sure, you feel miserable and are more apt to sit at home and wait for them to call - but that is the opposite of what you need to do. One of the hardest things to do is go out with friends and try and have a good time, but do it anyway! Start a hobby or activity you've always wanted to try. Get a new hairstyle and some new clothes - maybe start working out. Actually living life can make you feel better about yourself and more confident and appealing to others. Your ex is bound to see or hear about how well you are doing and how good you look, that kind of thing.This will make them curious and get them thinking about you.

By doing these things you not only give your ex time to miss you but you have improved yourself. You will be feeling better about yourself and as a result be all that more attractive to the opposite sex - your ex included!

So, don't give up hope - all is not lost. Keep a clear head and follow this plan and you can be well on the road to get your ex back.
Secrets to Getting Your Ex Back
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