It has been the most difficult breakup in my life, because we cared about each other but the timing wasn't right. After we broke up it was very hard to disattach so we had each other on snapchat, We posted snapchat stories all the time about stuff we used to do together, I posted selfies, he posted with his new dog, and we were very aware of what the other was doing. One day I posted a snapchat story in a party, I think he got upset and he deleted me.
Now the problem is, I have a lot of stuff in his house, my favorite bathing suit, my favorite pijama, a watch that I love and a a black blouse I used a lot. I texted him 2 weeks after we broke up asking him that if I could go to pick up my stuff, he told me very politely that he could bring my things to my house. One week after he apologized for not leaving the stuff that he was very "busy". Two weeks has passed and nothing, I wrote him that I could go if he was very busy and he hasn't responded. Is he mad? I really want my stuff!! What is going on with this guy?
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