Why is My ex is delaying on giving me my stuff back?

Me and my ex broke up not too long ago, maybe 2-3 months ago. Anyways In the beginning of the 2nd month I contacted him I had asked if he had any of my stuff at his house and can he please mail them to me. He said yes and he will. I gave him my moms address because I will be expecting to move soon. A week went by and he contacted me asking if I am using my moms address and I said yes and that’s that. 4 days later he messaged me asking if he can personally drop it off to me at my place. I told him he can drop it off at my place and where to place it at , I live in a gated community. He asked me what days am I available to retrieve my items. I said no I don’t wanna see you. He then asked “ I crave you” 😑 he said he still think of us having sex. I’m wondering if he is using my stuff as hostage to communicate with me or to get sex. I already decline him.
Why is My ex is delaying on giving me my stuff back?
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