My Indian boyfriend left me due to family pressure?

Hi all! So I have been dating an indian boy for several months. Before winter break he had to see me all the time and texted me a ton. Things were great. He went home to see his family and came back incredibly moody. Things changed starkly. Cancelling plans. He never had time to see me. He's mentioned his family is quite traditional and that they want an arranged marriage. I took this as something way off in the future as I'm not sure I want to marry him or anything. We are young. His family was pressuring him a lot about school. I know this. I can't help but wonder if they brought up marriage too. As he became distant and inconsiderate and basically made me break up with him. I tried to tell him I wanted to be there for him but couldn't as I felt like I was a chore. Another thing on his list. He didn't say ANYTHING. I feel like I was just a weigh station for him. Just a stop. Out of curiosity or something. It hurts to be rejected for something I can't change. I can't change that I'm from the west. My family is mixed race so it didn't seem a big deal to me to date an Indian man. But I guess to him it is.
My Indian boyfriend left me due to family pressure?
4 Opinion