He gave me an STD and shut me out (what do I do)?

A college tragedy
A college tragedy
A little background. I had been dating him for what would've been a year this month, everything was fine until during summer break there was a shift. He got sick and wouldn't tell me his blood work results.. only that he was fine and he joked about having HIV. So I brushed it off, but he stopped having sex with me, would never kiss me unless I initiated it, didn't say I love you anymore and always was down or angry. When I confronted him and said id be there he caved in and said he had something important to tell me but never did. He became cold and I figured he didn't love me anymore, so I broke it off a few months later, but remained friends (even though he flirted occasionally).

Now I became sick, similar to what he experienced, I got bloodwork done and came back positive for HSV2 (genital herpes). When I asked for his test results to finalize/confirm he denied me and made a huge deal. I had to reach out to his mother, which angered him but he said he'd get the test done. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, but he's unfollowed me on everything and is extremely calm over the situation (posting pictures/videos of himself in the past, saying he doesn't hate me but it feels like it, etc).

It hurts because I never wanted this to happen.. no one would, I enjoyed our relationship enough not to delete him from it like he's doing me. I miss him and I don't know what to do, this was the longest and most compatible relationship I've ever had. I already explained if its true he could've just told me and we'd never had such a hard time... but I haven't heard anything from him since my last appointment he told me to inform him about. I don't know what to do, I messed up.

What do I do? And why is he acting this way (from your experience and perspective)?
He gave me an STD and shut me out (what do I do)?
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