Why do situationship breakups take so long to get over?

Me and this guy exclusively dated for almost a year. He would always say “I want to wait before I decide to make you my girlfriend so that if we learn something about one another we don’t like it won’t hurt as bad to break it off”.

One day he calls me to tell me he likes me a lot but doesn’t want a relationship right now and wishes me the best for my future. It seemed like he was in a rush to tell me this then I never heard from him since. He always told me I’m good girlfriend material and likes our connection so why did he just drop me like a hot potato! Things seemed to be going well I can’t think of anything I could have done that would have lead him to immediately stop what we had. It’s very easy to have negative thoughts like did I do something wrong? Was he talking to someone else? How was this so easy for him? And the worst part is that I miss talking to him.
Why do situationship breakups take so long to get over?
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