What’s happening? My crush’s behaviour has changed?

So, I had a crush on my friend (let’s call him “Josh”) for about a year and a half and thought the feeling was mutual, (although I never asked him directly I just had a 90% hunch but could never get it to reach 100%) and I opened up to a mutual friend about it and she asked me if I’d like to find out, because I felt like I was gonna go crazy. I said sure. So she asked her best friend who is best friends with Josh, and she found out that Josh actually liked someone else, not me unfortunately, BUT viewed me as a sweet and caring friend. Naturally, I was heartbroken, but I eventually got over it after a while, but wanted to remain friends with Josh because he did nothing wrong as he didn’t even know I liked him, and if I avoided him he’d probably suspect something.. Anyway, fast forward to now after I found out, and Josh has been treating me a lot differently than before. I felt like when I liked him romantically I was doing a lot of the initiating, I was putting in a lot of effort, messaging first, giving of myself emotionally, etc. But now that I don’t like him like that, we’ve gotten closer? Like now (at least on my side) it’s so comfortable. It’s so nice. And I still love him, but it’s a different kind of love. He feels like a best friend. But where it gets weird is, NOW JOSH IS INITIATING THINGS. He’s messaging me first, he’s sending me reels on Instagram, he’s checking up on me when I’m upset, he sends me sunset photos because I like them. I never got any of this attention when I liked him romantically. I’m not thinking anything of it because.. he likes someone else. So, from a guy’s POV.. what’s happening?
What’s happening? My crush’s behaviour has changed?
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