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What would you do if your committed partner told you they wanted an Open Relationship with you?

It seems open relationships and FWB’s is the new thing , that people are choosing to do with each other these days , basically weighing their options and unsure about what they really want. I am currently experiencing one now , with my wife , that I separated from for a bit , but decided to try to work things out as FWB’s taking it slow because we are still legally married to each other , Things started off good, we promised we wouldn’t sleep with other people but we were ok to date other people , so we were on the same page as that , but who knows because lately things haven’t been good between her and I , and now she is asking for an open relationship with me , basically she wants to still be with me , but also wants to be free to screw other people as well. I told her No , if you screw someone else, it’s over between us , if we are going to go screw other people? I’m sorry , what’s the point? Am I wrong to feel this way? I am not going to stand by a girl that just got nailed by another guy and act like everything is fine , as for her , she says it’s ok if I go screw another girl? So that tells me she really isn’t in love with me , I’m sorry, if I go screw another girl? I will not be able to look at my wife the same way , I would end it with her right than and there , because My intentions will be focused on that other girl period. I told my wife we are best to file for divorce, if that’s the road she wants to go on. Part of me already thinks she cheated on me by her asking me this , and feel she is afraid to admit to me , that she did , I told her if you screwed someone else? End it with me right now. She said file for divorce then, so I have my answer that she has been just using me this whole time , and realize she really doesn’t love me , she doesn’t hate me , but she wants her cake and wants to eat it to , So what should I do? Should I file for the divorce or just deal with it and start dating other people?
What would you do if your committed partner told you they wanted an Open Relationship with you?
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