I'm going to be single again but isn't it weird that I'm not affect at all?

I made the mistake of singing victory too soon. Turns out he's totally unstable, undecided and was full of lies. Not as bad as my first boyfriend but still a liar. My parents officially want nothing to do with him anymore. He'll return my Judo (I'll practice Judo elsewhere) uniform and I'll give him back an Aikido book he lent me.

Even though we were dating for nearly a year, I never had sex with him (never even saw each other naked either), didn't live with him nor even loved him anyways. I didn't even feel too much attraction towards him either. I guess that's one good thing.

Still isn't it weird I feel nothing at all nor care too much? I'm actually happy to have a supportive family at least.

+1 y
This is my 2nd failed relationship, another failed attempted. Oh well. All we ever did was making-out and hugging, nothing sexual at all. I never felt infatuated with him at all.
He knew what I wanted from the beginning and tried to BS me with excuses.
I'm going to be single again but isn't it weird that I'm not affect at all?
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