I made the mistake of singing victory too soon. Turns out he's totally unstable, undecided and was full of lies. Not as bad as my first boyfriend but still a liar. My parents officially want nothing to do with him anymore. He'll return my Judo (I'll practice Judo elsewhere) uniform and I'll give him back an Aikido book he lent me.
Even though we were dating for nearly a year, I never had sex with him (never even saw each other naked either), didn't live with him nor even loved him anyways. I didn't even feel too much attraction towards him either. I guess that's one good thing.
Still isn't it weird I feel nothing at all nor care too much? I'm actually happy to have a supportive family at least.
+1 y
This is my 2nd failed relationship, another failed attempted. Oh well. All we ever did was making-out and hugging, nothing sexual at all. I never felt infatuated with him at all.
He knew what I wanted from the beginning and tried to BS me with excuses.
He knew what I wanted from the beginning and tried to BS me with excuses.
What Girls & Guys Said
Nothing wrong with that at all. "Next!" Lol
(Sorry your relationship didn't work out, though.)
I don't think its weird at all. I was in a similar situation, does it feel like relief to you aswell? It felt like I lifted something off my back.
Yes, it's a relief that I found out sooner he doesn't want to progress the relationship, that he tried giving me BS lines men used when stringing along women.
He had the nerve to bring up my weight and eating habits as an excuse to slow down things because ''Oh if a woman weight, oh sex appeal can decrease''. BS. I'm 5'7, 140Ish and still eat healthy. I eat a bigger portion because I'm hungry and don't get full like him that eats little. I like eating good. For my height, that isn't really overweight.
I replied back that he's unstable financially and point it out that flaw he has. He sure didn't like to get hit on that spot, lol. Why attack me first then and with something false? If I were a short woman and with that weight, ok fine but I'm not. I attacked him back with the truth; he is broke.
Oh well hopefully I'll one day get engaged one day. I'm going back to the dating world and not giving up. I have to get my victory one day. My father told me the 3rd time is the charm and most of the times when dad says something he's almost always right about things. Hopefully he's right about that one too.
Yeah. I hope you find your true half. As I did mine. 4th try was mine. Been together for 3 years
Are you guys married? I want to get married and have one kid at least. I don't mind adopting if I can't have a kid naturally.
Basically, my parents I want to follow my parents footsteps and marry at 23. Then have 3 kids. Girl boy girl. Adopting is also an option
True love is hard to find but please go for what you like
I'm being straight forward with guys on dating siting. I'm looking for commitment and kids, not to be on the ''dating and loving in fall... the moon and the stars'' stage for too long.
What bothers me the most is he knew very well I was looking for marriage and kids, not dating to date and spend a great time holding hands and saying sweet things. He knew we were dating with intention within an established timeframe and still wasted my time.
Really, maybe we should give a try. Chat me on Google chat. tb8491953@gmail. com
Sounds good. I'll add it and wil write you a bit later. I'm at work at this moment. For the meantime, you can DM if you want to.
I've just sent you a message on your DM. Can you see it?