Was I in the wrong?


I lost my boyfriend a few weeks ago. We fought a lot and I think other issues were going on in our relationship. But I wonder if the straw that broke the camels back was our last fight before the break up when I called him and got angry at him for sending a post for his ex girlfriend. For context the post alone normally wouldn’t bother me at all. But through our relationship I felt like he was never quite over her and he would talk about her all the time. He’d even compare me to her all the time. I told him I didn’t like it but he never listened. On top of this, through out our relationship she would check out his profile on tik tok. Now, this alone did not bother me. But what did bother me was how much energy he put into the situation just for her looking at his profile. He’d get upset and talk a lot about how much she’d look at his tik tok profile. I didn’t think it was a big deal but he seemed to put a lot of energy toward his ex. One day he made a tik tok video for her posting “what do you want, Snapchat me with his Snapchat username”. Then I got angry and we had a fight. He said that fight ended the relationship. I just felt like he was never quite over his ex and it did hurt me throughout the relationship. I still don’t feel like he’s over his ex. Now he’s angry at me and I’m wondering if I was in the wrong for over reacting.

Was I in the wrong?
5 Opinion