Why didn’t he say he was seeing his ex?

My boyfriend and I broke up last year because he cheated and lied. He had an ex he went to school with. He showed me her pictures, her name and other stuff about her. They broke up 8 months before he and I dated. We dated for 9 months until he cheated. I never found out who the girl was. First he said it was this ex but then changed it to another ex then to another girl.

Him and I were together for 9 months. We haven’t talked since then. Out of the blue he called me this month. He seemed sorry and like a changed person. We’ve been catching up recently. He apologized for everything in the past and I told him I was over it. We are both involved with other people. I showed him the guy I was into but he wouldn’t tell me the girl he was with. He wouldn’t tell me much about the girl but just explained what she looked like and where she was from and that he knew her since high school. He said he wasn’t actually dating the girl and that she was very crazy, crazier than me and that he would never be with her. He drives her to work everyday supposedly but they aren’t having sex. It wasn’t until yesterday we were talking about work and he revealed that her brother might work with me. I found out the guys name and he has the same last name as his ex. His ex fit the description of the “girl” he’s been seeing to the T. I confronted him and he didn’t seem to care. Why didn’t he just say his ex instead of making it seem like he was seeing a new girl?

1 y
I meant my ex boyfriend and I
Why didn’t he say he was seeing his ex?
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