Why are my dreams about my ex never romantic?


I often dream.

When I dreamed about my previous love interests, I either hugged them or kissed them or so on, all of these messages gave me very positive feelings.

With my ex though, shortly before and all the time after our break up, I have dreams that I ask him to come reconcile and he refuses. It’s like a never ending story, always happens same in every dream, I go to him, I ask him to reconcile and he seems to reject over and over again.

I wonder what kind of dream is that, aren’t dreams supposed to help you move on?

Why don’t I dream about the happy times we had? Why don’t I kiss or hug him? Why is it always me asking him to get back together and him rejecting that. My subconscious is not helpful at all haha

Then I am moody whole day.

I had fun yesterday, it’s just yesterday I met people who made me realize how special it was what I had with my ex and how uncommon it is to have it in life. I haven&5 thought of my ex, but yet, in my dreams I still go to him and ask to reconcile. I don’t want to have those dreams anymore.

Why are my dreams about my ex never romantic?
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