Never had a breakup
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A small unnecesary thing initiated a fight, she kicked me out of her place and I got offended. She blocked me everywhere. I couldn't believe how impulsive she reacted, and I wasn't having it. Two days later she unblocked me and added me on Facebook again. I was offended and I blocked her. Like two weeks later we found ourselves in company with some mutual friends, and she approached me and asked me if we're still mad at each other. I didn't answer, and over the course of 2 years our relationship completely disintegrated.
We grew up together. We used to be childhood friends, best friends, romantic partners, and suddenly we were nothing.
We used to see each other every day during that period because we were neighbors. We passed next to each other numerous times, and not a word was uttered.
Looking back at it, she definitely reacted wrongly and was the trigger for the break up, but I also overreacted and made a hefty contribution, because she tried to reconcile and I refused.
I moved to another country, and was back home last year and we saw each other, spoke a bit. A few days later I left, and she's meen messaging me on social media. We have a small chat once in a while.
I was so offended, but I never stopped loving her.
She moved for school and I thought it was over, then she wanted me to drive like 3 hours to be together and thought I was ignoring her... maybe 2 weeks later? I told her to come over, as I had, you know, a job and family.
Anyway she didn't know how to help fold clothes, and was trying to manipulate me by saying how depressed she was with her choice and how I needed to keep her company, you know, with her decision to move.
That was the final nail in the coffin when I just started yelling to get the hell out of my house and never call me again. Seriously, making it to your mid 20s and you can't be responsible enough for yourself to even know how to fold clothes, I can get not knowing how to cook, but not even laundry, bruh.
It was me.
Ya know, sometimes a guy can play hard to get for too long, and he doesn't end up with the girl.
That's what happened with us. I got tired of him with his commitment phobia problem. So I just up and moved 3,000 miles away from him. Is that noncommittal enough?
Me! But only because I caught him cheating so... yeah.
Of course he found out I caught him, so he called himself breaking it off before I had the chance to call him out, saying I wasn't "emotionally mature" enough for him.
Cheaters... I swear they make me sick.
That blows horses. Cheating hurts so bad, and is so confusing. I've found it gets better by expressing the bad feelings through hate and discontent until you can get over it.
I've never gotten why cheaters try going for monogamous relationships in the first place, there are people out there who will go for nonmonogamy, why hurt others with your preference, it's just a sick/dick move.
She did, which was actually a good thing because it opened things up for me to meet my SO.
ME... Always. xxoo
I did.
I had enough of being a caretaker to an emotionally disordered individuals. I mostly got sick and tired of being in a relationship where I was the only one giving and all she did was take. her feelings dictate her priorities so I was either top or at the bottom of her priority list whenever she felt excited about something else, despite the plans we have made for months. Her lying by omission didn't make things any better. On top of that, I was dealing with mistreatment of bigoted parents of hers who were a thorn in our sides simply because they wanted her to date someone of her own race.
It's only much later after the break up I found out she has BPD with comorbidities + overlapping NPD traits. Shooooocking! (sarcasm)
So yeah, Good riddance.
I've only been in one relationship. It lasted about two years and he broke it off. Tbh I didn't blame him. I did something really bad and I wish I could take it back.
Thank you.
I did. She was becoming increasingly emotionally abusive and started being physically abusive. She had problem that I didn't think she would try to address, or even acknowledge. I didn't see us ever having a healthy relationship so I dumped her. That's when things got really ugly, lol.
I did after a year together, as I was just exhausted and tired of being in a relationship period. I miss her quite a lot and breaking up with her was very painful, but it was for the best.
I did. She later agreed as well. It went on and off for a while. About a year later (about two weeks ago) she texted me saying that she still wants me back. That was the end of everything related to her.
I think it was mutual, in many respects, but I got tired of her being such a slob, in her appearance when we went out. I could not tolerate it any longer.
There was no break up in my last relationship. Was married before that relationship and there it was me who initiated the divorce.
He did. Or I guess it’s more accurate to say that his girlfriend did.
Her. She wasn't prepared to go to counselling either
I worked for my ex girlfriend, and it turned into a nightmare. I quit her company, but to me she was not happy either. It just didn't work out.
For now Im still in a relationship, she is my first one, So hopefully none breakup
I’ve never been the one to end things
Because I try to make things work, I was willing to put in the effort and she wasn’t. Doesn’t matter what I do or how hard I try it’s never been enough
It was mutual. We decided it wasn't working
Me, I decided that having an imaginary girlfriend was messing with my mental state too much.
i've never had a break up thankfully.
Never had a break up.
I did because I found out she cheated.
She was traumatized but not surprised. I have to give her credit for not denying what she did and for showing remorse. She tried to get back together with me a few months later, but I couldn't do it.
It was the only deal breaker.
He did but we're back together now.
He did. And thanks! I hope so too.
I've never had a boyfriend:)
never had a real boyfriend
I did. Bitch was a psycho
Not exactly
I just stopped calling her.
It is always me.
Sorry I am not married to experience it
My ex did after she told me she cheated on me
She did, like most women who file for divorce
That hurt me very bad.
Me 😁
I did
me me me lol