Best way to get revenge on a fake friend who slept with my ex?

Me and my ex broke up about a year ago, because she was cheating on me. I opened up with my friend/coworker about this and how painful it was, and how much that relationship meant to me. He sat there and comforted me and said how he was there for me as a friend. I naturally felt like a had a good friend there almost like a brother, who i could be open with. Even through some suspicious conversations that i had with my ex where she alluded to him, i still maintain trust in the friendship, because he assured me that she was just trying to make me jealous. We've continued being good friends for the past year until 2 weeks ago. I was at a kickback with some coworkers to celebrate my new promotion at work. Said "friend" wasn't there. About 15 of my other coworkers were talking very badly about him. I sat there silently until about 10 minutes into this where I decided to stand up for him. I raved on about how he was such a good friend and that they just didn't appreciate that. Then they told me that he slept with my ex the day that we broke up. Literally the same day that I was venting to him about how heartbroken that I was. I instantly felt like I was kicked in the gut. Part of me didn't believe it, so I asked some other friends about it and they said how much he was bragging about this behind my back. I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. I just can't believe that it took a whole year and for me to stand up for him in front of a group to find out. I still haven't told him that I know, because I don't think that there's anything that he could say to make up for this. And anytime that I hear anything come out of his mouth now, I just want to throw up. It's been Two weeks now and the more that I hold on to this thought the more angry that I get. I don't know if I need to scream or cry. I'm just so lost, and I hope that somebody who's been through something similar can read my story and help me with some guidance, because I feel so hurt right now.

Best way to get revenge on a fake friend who slept with my ex?
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