Any guy that's ever ghosted me before, I get extreme anxiety attacks at the thought of running into him anywhere in public, whether on the street, at a party, grocery store, etc. Although I'm glad I'm not with them anymore, I wonder if he's secretly looking to see if I'm sad that he ghosted me, and I don't want to give him that power when I look shocked/horrified to see him. Should I see a psychologist?
- 1 y
I think anyone might feel a bit embarrassed around someone who ghosted them. If you're having anxiety attacks it's probably because you're naturally an anxious person.
You can get stuff for acute anxiety but the cure is often worse than the disease.
11 Reply- 1 y
Thanks for MHO!
Most Helpful Opinions
Just remember if he hosted you, it is not about you but his inability to commit. It has nothing to do with you although he might say it does so as not to have to look at himself in a bad light.
21 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
No, just stop. who the hell is he? No one has power over you unless you give it to him. knock that shit off. you have your own power you’re giving it away for nothing. you don’t need to see a psychologist. somebody just smack your butt and tell you to wake up..
40 ReplySo a guy ghosted you, and you’re worried about feeling anxiety and is having social phobia around him. Wow..!
And He is checking to see how miserable you are, sounds like a Narcissist to me, enjoying tearing you down emotionally/mentally, just be content you dodged a bullet.
So, What were you two involved in that cause you to feel that way around him.10 ReplyYes please go see a psychologist or therapist related because this is mental health related where a professional can help you learn to managed your anxiety attack and normalize going out again without having it affect you IF you’re unable to do it on your own. It’s okay to seek mental health support 💜
10 Reply- 1 y
You don't need a head doctor. Just plan your reaction and practice it in the mirror so you're feeling confident and fully prepared. Then if you run into him, your reaction will come naturally. I suggest a pleasant and confident smile and not taking time for small talk.
10 Reply Experiencing anxiety and social phobia in response to being ghosted by someone is a common and understandable reaction. Ghosting can be hurtful and confusing, and it often leaves the person who was ghosted feeling rejected and anxious. It's important to acknowledge and validate your feelings in this situation. anxiety attacks and social phobia can be triggered by the fear of encountering the person who ghosted you or by the emotional distress caused by the experience itself It's normal to feel a range of emotions. It's important to understand that ghosting is a reflection of the other person's behavior, not your worth or value as an individual. It can be a challenging experience, but with time and support, you can recover and move forward.
10 Replyhunny, you need to realize that if someone ghosts you, it does not mean there is something wrong with you. It means there is something wrong WITH THEM. You don't need to have a panic attack because you didn't do anything wrong. Its not worth it to have a panic attack over a low life. Find a better person to have a panic attack for...
20 Reply- 1 y
no its not normal you have not self respect any guy who is childish enough to ghost someone is trash. you should be glad he ghosted you and thank god for this lucky escape.
10 Reply - 1 y
You should not have any anxiety over guys that ghosted you. If anything, you should feel sorry for them. They are cowards, the lowest quality of men. They don't have the balls to tell you to your face that it's over.
20 Reply I've noticed over the last 5-7 years that virtually all women I run into have the quote 'anxiety'. So I think outside of this specific circumstance it's pretty much universal. I've been telling guy friends for years that ALL women these days have it and you're not going find a woman who doesn't. I almost get conspiratorial though thinking of the cause since it's such a bizarre phenomenon. Something in the water maybe. 🤔😅
03 Reply- 1 y
I feel bad this thing has affected you this way though, since the bizarre behavior is entirely on his part. It's extremely rude, it's awkward and only in rare cases is it ever warranted. So no I get it, must be hard with the thought of running into this weirdo.
Personally I would actually relish the idea of running into them and giving them a hard time about it, teasing them a little.
- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
You feel nervous around someone, so you self-diagnose yourself with a mental illness? 🤣 Wtf is with these question? People feel nervous around someone they had a bad experience with all the time. How does that mean you have a mental disorder?
10 Reply - 1 y
Him ghosting you means he doesn't care nor want you. So why would he secretly wonder about you? See how delusional that sounds? You need to see a therapist and get on some meds
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes, seek help. You already gave him that power by having anxiety attacks about a hypothetical situation.
10 Reply You sound like a human with real feelings. To me, what you worry about makes perfect sense!
20 ReplyThat is understandable, but I don't know if it is normal or not.
20 Reply- 1 y
This just proves what I always say: women cannot handle rejection well at all.
10 Reply It use to happen to me, with my ex. Now, I just let her reach me out, but I refuse to do first contact because of the ghostings she did to me.
00 Reply- 1 y
Seek professional help. I have anxiety myself. But its not with people.
00 Reply - 1 y
Stop ghosting them and end it appropriately instead.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Is this a joke , cause it sound like one
00 Reply no its not normal. you wouldn't survive hard times very long. you seem like a weak human.
00 Reply- 1 y
I would definitely talk to a therapist about this kind of anxiety that you're having especially if its with every guy that does it to you.
00 Reply - 1 y
Yes, totally normal.
00 Reply I suppose that’s possible.
00 ReplyI also suffer from them. It's not fun.
00 Replyme and see.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Visit doctor
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