my ex and split up, but we both kind of kept in contact here and there, i would text him sometimes and he’d respond, but it was never conversations and it wasn’t everyday i would say every once in awhile. last time i texted him, it was to ask if he still kept in contact with his weed buddy because my friend wanted some and i knew i shouldn’t have reached out and asked because he doesn’t necessarily like my friend that wanted some but a part of me wanted to know if he still was too.. so i texted him and i never got a response back only to find out that my friend got some weed from somebody else, and i felt stupid. anyway, today was his bday and all day i wanted to wish him a happy bday so i just screw it and texted him happy bday and that i still missed him, only to find that he blocked me….. And i’m trying so hard not to cry because i think it was because of my last text about the weed and because he didn’t like my friend that was asking. would it be stalkerish of me to reach out on facebook and say that i’m sorry and still wish him happy bday? or just leave him alone forever now.
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