How to kindly decline the invite?


My boyfriend of two years has a child with autism with his ex wife. They have been divorced for 10 years. I had a remote job and I step in to watch his son May of last year. I quit my job in December. My boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to become his child’s care giver since I already was watch him from home and now need a new income. It has not been easy with the ex wife. She nice nasty she acts like she’s over him but does little things that are questionable. Currently my boyfriend and I got a new house. I still have my studio so the ex doesn’t know my name is on the house and I’m back and forth. Today she asked me have I seen the house. She then invites me to go to a theme park with her and my step son on Thursday. I know she is trying to get information from me. She mentioned she wanted me to come because I can handle her son better than she can. I’m not too sure why she would say that. I spoke with my man he was not happy. He told me to decline the invite and stated I am not her nanny etc. What is a kind way to decline.

How to kindly decline the invite?
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