Why is my situationship so hard to get over?

My situationship ended things with me beginning of March. This was someone I had rekindled with after a year and a half, after things had gone bad between us. I was super clingy during the “relationship” and would always call him out when he’d say one thing, and act another way, but I guess he wanted to keep me around for selfish reasons. Anyways, the conclusion I came up with was that he never liked me, and was just attracted to me but hated everything else about me. He completely discarded me beginning of March after telling me he loved me, and wanted to start dating. He basically blamed the end of our “relationship” on the fact that I’m too much, and crazy. Fast forward to now after snooping a shit tone on Instagram; he’s been hanging out with this absolutely gorgeous girl that I had suspected he was seeing at the same time as me. I’ve convinced myself they’re dating and that’s the reason why he discarded me without any apology or sincerity towards how that discard would’ve made me feel. When we first met, he was absolutely obsessed with me- it’s just heartbreaking to go through something like; thinking someone likes you one minute, then having them turn on you the next.

This whole thing has just completely devastated me. I feel like I’ll never be able to get over this because it’s all just made me feel so insecure; I have this narrative in my head that he basically dumped me because he found someone better. I’m blocked everywhere. I just don’t know how I can bounce back from something like this. Really don’t need anyone to tell me he wasn’t interested, and anything of the sorts; I’m well aware of that, just need some help with moving forward.

Any tips would really help, and any success stories from moving on from someone who really hurt them, would really help. ❤️

Why is my situationship so hard to get over?
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