- 1 mo
I think its silly to breakup because you rock with a certain party but its not as silly if you breakup over a specific candidate or view. Like I doubt I’d want to stay with someone who was in favor of abortions. But you have some people who make it clear they voted in support of a majority of views from a certain party but that they did not vote all views (like abortion for example). Then you have some who say they don’t support abortion but they support the womans choice. (I could be more understanding of that.) In general, I think its just better to keep your vote to yourself to avoid issues like this, otherwise everyone would vote publicly and not on a private ballot. I also can’t stand when people run around screaming Harris/Trump 2024. That's when I associate the person with voting for the person rather than just the party or views like they claim. people like that are a bit extreme and I wouldn't want to be with them. And i don’t really respect people who say “I voted for the lesser of 2 evils” as if there aren't like 7 independents they could have chosen from instead. Sure a third party was likely never gona win but it shows that person had some character and stuck to their morals/principles and wasn’t a follower. I’d never intentionally vote for someone i didn't fck with (again). I was forced to do so by family during my first year of being old enough to vote and i never let them run my shit again
55 Reply- 1 mo
Me personally would never break up with someone because they voted for something I didn’t vote for , everyone has their own reasons as to why they choose something whether I agree with them or not , I am not going to throw away a loving relationship with a girl just because she didn’t vote the same way I voted , I would just accept it for what it is , it wasn’t just my vote that made the final decision, it was mine and millions of other people thinking the same thing. Just goes to show how selfish people are when things don’t go their way , it honestly makes them look like a complete moron with childish behavior , like couples breaking up over sports teams. Etc. I just find it to be silly if you can’t accept someone the same way you want them to accept you.
- 1 mo
Again, its not about which party won or which party they voted for. If I breakup, Its because it was a turnoff seeing their true colors come out if they ran around screaming Trump 2024 or Harris 2024 and were bashing the opposite (democrats/republicans) in the process. Its also about if they are the type of guy to support abortion rights because they’d push their girlfriend to have a boyfriend. All of that is childish behavior. I’d breakup with someone like that. I would not breakup with someone who said “I voted for this party but I have nothing against the opposite party. I voted for abortion so the women can have a choice but I would not personally want my girlfriend to ever get an abortion.” Thats a guy I could date and respect.
- 1 mo
*Its also about if they are the type of guy to support abortion rights because they’d push their girlfriend to have an abortion*
- 1 mo
Me personally is pro life , I feel abortion is murder period , just my personal opinion and beliefs , there are other alternatives then abortion, but my opinion is just my opinion , I have my reasons for voting for Trump and I was happy to see him win the Election. If he lost the election , oh well shit happens , it doesn’t change who I am as a person , I wouldn’t dump a girl just because she didn’t like Trump , she has her own opinions and beliefs, so I would respect her opinion the same way I would want her to respect mine. If she dumped
Me because Trump won the election , I would Laugh and say thank you for not wasting anymore of my time , if that’s the only reason you have to dump me
, I honestly would look at her like she was a weirdo and say see ya lol
- 1 mo
I do not support abortions nor death penalty and so on. Republican party and Democrat part have a few things i agree with but one specific 3rd party has a lot of things i agree with including not supporting lgbt. So i will stick with my 3rd parties
Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
It's probably a good thing if they feel so strongly that everyone should believe the same way they do. The Trump supporters in that scenario, almost all of whom are men, will benefit from it in the long run, because anyone who is shallow enough to make the results of this election a big enough deal to destroy their relationship is a shitty person, and men deserve better from a woman. It makes me happy to see women removing themselves from the dating pool over this election. It's a good thing for everyone but them. It won't last, of course, but these women will have outed themselves for who they are.
By the way, my highly educated wife voted for Trump, as did nearly half of American women. I did not vote for Trump because I have some issues with him as a person, but not nearly enough concerns to overshadow the concerns I have with today's Democrat party and the direction they have taken his country. But I couldn't in good conscience vote for Trump, and my wife of course has no issue with my choice, and I have none with hers.
It's offensive how the left paints female Trump supporters as uneducated morons with internalized misogyny. It's an example of why the left lost their base by condescending to them and telling them what they should think, and calling them garbage when they don't comply. That is incredibly offensive for obvious reasons, and it alienated more women than it motivated to vote for Harris/Walz, just like they've been alienating Hispanic and Black Americans, and men of all races.
Trump didn't just win the election. It was as much a case of the Democrats losing it.
00 Reply
Without revealing my political affiliations, I think it's at least understandable.
Regardless of the actual outcome of an election, if you feel that your partner is acting against your best interests, then it would make sense to question your relationship at that point.
Political views obviously aren't everything, but if you disagree on the fundamental values represented by each candidate, there's probably some things to think about between you and your partner.
00 Reply
697 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. yes i do think that's ridiculous. there are obviously some deep rooted issues if someone were to break off a whole marriage over that. i keep my political views very private, only to myself. i think only my mom knows my political views lmao. i do NOT like talking about politics with my husband or my friends. it gets nowhere and it's also toxic if you think about it
but to me, at the end of the day, i don't think political views are very important. i think it's more important to allow someone to have an opinion (different or the same) than to break off a relationship. relationships need to have acceptance. if it really bothers you that much, you guys need to have a healthy communication without screaming or trying to change the other persons view. it's okay to agree to disagree
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 mo
If you've been together for awhile, you know each other's political feelings, so breaking up over a single election/vote doesn't make sense.
30 Reply - 1 mo
I’m keeping quiet about who I voted for. Tbh I hate both candidates and voted for the one I thought was the lesser of two evils (I also don’t trust any politician period). My guy feels the same way so we’re definitely not breaking up over politics. I’ve seen it happen and it’s sad if the couple has been together for years. If it’s still a brand new relationship though, no loss to either party. If one feels that much more passionately about politics than the other one does or if they’re both passionate about it and have opposing views, they’re probably not compatible anyway.
31 Reply- 1 mo
Yes I agree , I am not heavy into politics either but for some reason I felt I had to vote this election because
The last one seemed to shady to me
, so I felt I had to step in for this one , but again my political beliefs doesn’t change who I am as a person and doesn’t change how I love and respect someone that things opposite of me, I would never dump a partner over politics , to me
That is silly , it’s equivalent to someone dumping someone just because they didn’t
Like the same sports team etc. It’s things that shouldn’t matter or come
In between a relationship with someone , if a girl dumped over something
So petty like that , she would be doing
Me a favor , by not wasting anymore of
My time on a selfish wack job ,
I will gladly open the door
For her and say good bye lol
Yes I think it is crazy if you can't agree to disagree on that, as much as any other issue, unless it requires specific lifestyle choices that impact the other person.
And if you can both be respectful of the others choice.
36 Reply- 1 mo
My thing is if you can’t accept someone for who they are and what their beliefs are you shouldn’t be with that person in the first place , Not every couple is going to agree on the same things , I find it selfish of someone to say oh, since you don’t agree with me , and we don’t see eye to eye on this particular topic , I no longer want to be with you , let’s throw away our relationship because we have one disagreement , a disagreement we really have no control over , Me personally isn’t going to break up with a girl because she didn’t like Trump and I did , Trump became president because more people voted for Trump , whether I voted or not , if Harris ended up winning? I would just accept it for what it is , yea I might be upset but I wouldn’t dump my partner over it. Just goes to show how selfish people can be when they don’t get their way. Me personally would not stay in a relationship with a girl that always had to be right constantly, I would gladly hand her over to someone else , if she can’t accept my flaws the same way she expects me to accept hers, she is t the girl for me period
- 1 mo
😄 so maybeeee you were a little gloaty? You can gloat and have fun against all the anti-trumpers but haha if it was your partner I think u would have to put a lid on it. Esp as the "burn" is so new 🤷♀️ come now. I hear what you say a lot on here and agree about people being honest in relationships and apologise if wrong behaviour. You may have to accept a little responsibility for this one 😋
- 1 mo
I agree , I can be a little out of line at times but can’t we all lol? I don’t mean any harm , I am just having fun, and yes I was excited that Trump won , not going to lie about that , considering I am not usually the one that takes initiative in voting whatsoever , but I felt I had to vote for this election because I feel Trump is what our country needs at this time and happy
To see he won😋 - 1 mo
Haha I'm not American so it's not a big deal to me. I'm barely interested in UK politics.
And I'm glad u can see that maybeeee your happiness was a little much for her. It wasn't so much about different political agendas or loyalties.
I'd prob be miffed with what I imagine your behaviour was like. I'd prob have gone off to have space rather than break up tho.
Come back together when the initial buzz of the election has died down lol
But... on other hand... it's prob easier to partner up with someone who can share in your joy not get upset by it.
- 1 mo
It's insane to me. Seeing in the news people talking about losing friends and family, that they can't speak about politics with friends and family - because they fear losing them. But now, right and left here in Denmark is pretty centrum comparing to that shit show in the US. (Many here think I'm pro Harris - I'm not, she was a back up, a last call - a mess up because an old white dude was stubborn).
If I'd break up with someone due to how they voted, only if they voted Stram Kurs - but if they did, they'd not be dating a foreigner like me and I'd not be dating a closeted neo nazi.
00 Reply 477 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. I don't give a shit what my partner votes for as long as it doesn't negatively impact me or mine. But if someone dumps me over mine? Whatever. Don't really care.
That said I can see why. If a woman is scared of Trump further removing her access to abortion or as some Republicans want and go after birth control, and her husband votes for them, he's actively dismissing her fears and voting to her detriment.40 Reply- 1 mo
It makes perfect sense. Men who vote for a would be dictator racist bullshit artist anti-semite low character asshole like Trump by and large don't respect women. Many will gaslight and low-key treat their women like dirt. Others will be more direct about it.
No pussy for men who side with that asshole.
211 Reply- 1 mo
- 1 mo
- 1 mo
- 1 mo
- 1 mo
My boyfriend loves it. He's at least honest with himself about his sexual insecurities, where the white trump guys are all political because of their sexual inadequacy. Total incels and betas.
338 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. I do not find it crazy and I consider it a valid reason to break up with someone.
Relationships can only work out if you share similar values and worldview.
And yes, the person you choose to vote for can actually reveal a lot about who you are as an individual.
People should learn to accept the responsibilities of their actions no matter what they are.15 Reply- 1 mo
Crazy yes, but espacially when your partner supported Trump whos a facist with such extreme views, espacially regarding women and minorities, its no surprise when some people are deeply hurt.
Because you are literally voting for someone whos plan is to take away the most basic human rights from your partner.12 Reply- 1 mo
Murder is not a human right.
- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
I don't think politics should divide people and especially not couples. It should be expected that you will be different from your partner and can't be carbon copies of each other. Why would you want to? You might as well be in a relationship with yourself and there's a reason we hate some parts of ourselves. We need those differences to grow & adapt and become more tolerant.
My boyfriend and I hold different political views and yes, it causes friction sometimes. But the goal is to hear each other, not to convert each other to the other side, and to reach a compromise or empathize with their belief system. He's not going to change me and vice versa. We are exchanging ideas and opinions to help in evolving and growing. Not a battle ground to prove the other person is wrong. Opinioms are individual and can't necessarily be "wrong" anyway ❤ Go into these discussions with an open mind an politics shouldn't be enough to tear a couple apart.
00 Reply - 1 mo
It’s pretty stupid, shouldn’t you already be aware of your partners political views prior to getting into a serious relationship with them? I would only understand if there was a drastic change in political views then you might just not be compatible anymore at that point
11 Reply - 1 mo
If I voted Trump my husband SHOULD divorce me. I certainly wouldn't stay with someone who values money more than human rights. We can be friends but you can NOT be the default decision maker for me if something medical happens, so divorce is necessary. Sorry.
22 Reply- 1 mo
Human rights? You didn't know the fetus is a human fetus? Learn about chromosomes! Human rights for fetus too.
- 1 mo
@strateguy632 Those people the fetuses grow inside of—they are human also! And they can BOTH fucking die without proper medical care. Abortion bans mean MORE dead parents AND babies.
- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
My mom voted for Trump while my dad voted for Kamala. Apparently dad got all pissed at my mom and gave her the silent treatment. I was just coming in for a visit while they were in the middle of an argument, I called my dad out for being childish and unreasonable. I think it’s stupid to let your political views get in the way of your committed relationship…
28 Reply- 1 mo
it's unfortunate as one feels like a winner and the other a loser, with associated fears. what a mess.
focusing on what we can control and loving the other person is the objective.
one can see how a civil war started... over and over in history. dont' want to go there...
- Opinion Owner1 mo
@lightbulb27 I agree. My parents aren’t much into politics which is why it was surprising to see my dad getting all worked up about this whole thing. My mom understands and agrees with both sides, she’s not a hardcore right winger and my parents never let their personal believes or political views get in the way of the relationship usually. I mean my mom’s a catholic and my dad’s a muslim lol
As long as you respect each other’s differences then I think that’s all that matters. - 1 mo
wow, that's quite a mix there!
yea, if start thinking over the real issues... most of it doesn't matter to them. social security matters and maybe Palestine/Israel.
- Opinion Owner1 mo
@lightbulb27 true! We don’t even know what’s really gonna happen so we’ll just have to wait and hope for the best
- 1 mo
agree. I say go out to dinner and enjoy, and dig a big hole in yard... just in case. Thats what the govt does🤷♂️;-)
- 1 mo
Yea it’s crazy people make that big deal about it , it’s like people that break up because their favorite sports team lost against their partners’ favorite sports team , it’s silly and has nothing to do with the relationship whatsoever. Having a disagreement isn’t the end of the world , people that make it a big deal are selfish people that never can admit they are wrong , they always have to be right , Me personally would gladly hand that person over to someone else if they couldn’t accept my opinion the same way they want me to accept theirs. People sadly can be completely childish and insane when it comes to things like this
- Opinion Owner1 mo
Couldn’t have said it better! You’re bound to have differing point of views/opinions when you’re in a relationship with another person. If it’s such a deal breaker to have differing political views then they shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship in the first place
- 1 mo
ah, but people don't think so clearly early on:) As the "differences" pile up, the pinpricks of pain ensues.. can turn ones love sour. It's certainly more adult to disagee. the most lovely of words people like to hear is..."yes, you are right"!. Anything else.. requires the brain to work hard and possibly change. That takes energy we don't want to spend.
I find it strange that people would get married without understanding their spouse's political views first.
Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend is pretty reasonable, honestly. If a couple has diverging views on something pretty fundamental like the sanctity of life, whether or not marriage and family are on the table, core values, etc then they're wasting each other's time staying together.
00 Reply- 1 mo
It is total madness to not recognize a partner's political views. I find it equally crazy to not recognize how much political views define who we are, in all aspects.
It is a banner. Everything is political. All the time.
00 Reply - 1 mo
yes but under the policies are beliefs. Focusing on those things creates division rather than focusing on what agree upon.
not always goign to agree.
Someone that is too extreme going to be difficult.
Same happens with diet... meat eater with vegan is a tough combo. Smokers and non smokers, etc..
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
The way the Trump people are acting on here, I'm not surprised. I've never seen such immature and uncivilized behavior in so-called adults. Americans come across as petty and miserable the way they take so much joy in the other side's loss. I'm grateful not to be American. It seems like a divided and broken country.
10 Reply Not really. If he voted for Trump it would just be a obvious sign that he hates women so why would I stay with him
411 Reply- 1 mo
@Finchie40 you know I was talking to apple right? 🤦🏽
- 1 mo
Good good @Finchie40
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
From what I’ve seen online it’s mainly women breaking up w their husbands. Again putting their happiness before everything else. Not all, but a lot. Same reason why women initiate 89% of divorces. Had a friend who told me a week before her husband had a heart attack she was going to divorce him because she wasn’t happy. Now all of a sudden she decided to stay. I wonder why? Money? Maybe she had a change of heart but she’s been saying she’s unhappy a lot cause he works a lot lol
10 Reply - 1 mo
no. cause political views are all about how live should be lived and what's worthy of pursuing in life and what's not. like how could you live with a partner with opposite ideas about these things? a relationship can't work if you're not working towards a mutual goal.
00 Reply - 1 mo
This shit gets sorted out in the dating phase. If you marry and are surprised about anything, that is 100% on you at this point for not communicating
10 Reply - 1 mo
I've been single since before Trump turned to politics so I don't know
My business runs partially on divorce so if it benefits me then I'm not complaining10 Reply 377 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Yeah, I don't want any political nutjobs in my vicinity.
10 Reply762 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Yes, if somebody broke up with me because I voted for Trump I would say good riddance.
20 Reply- 1 mo
If someone was extreme politically, either direction, I probably wouldn't be attracted to her anyway. It is more the "attitude" that gets to me, rather than the candidate who they vote for.
00 Reply I actually had a very close friend of mine get divorced because she was a Democrat and he was a Republican and they fought like cats and dogs!
So out cha go republican man! He got the boot 👢🥾00 Reply- 1 mo
They should all listen to President Biden's speech from this morning.
20 Reply - 1 mo
Sometimes these political disagreements affect a relationship to the point where they're unsustainable.
10 Reply The way things are now, politics have a lot to do with morals and how people live their lives so a couple really wouldn't be compatible if they voted differently in the last couple eletions.
00 Reply791 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. I don't. I would too if I discovered that my partner and I had completely different values. But I probably would have found out on the first date.
00 Reply- 1 mo
Not crazy at all. Why would i be with someone who votes for someone who doesn't want me to have any control over my own body?
10 Reply No. Politics works in peoples lives today like religion did in the past. A persons politics speaks more about their character than their faith, these days.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I think certain lines can’t be crossed. Politics are stupid but sometimes they reveal the truth in people.
05 Reply- 1 mo
Not necessarily true , some people just vote because of 1 particular reason as to why they are voting for them in the first place , overlooking everything else that that person is standing for. Most the people that voted for Kamala were only voting for her because of Abortion rights , but had no clue what else Kamala was fighting for. I don’t even think Kamala knew what she was running for to be honest with you lol , As for Trump he was fighting for a lot of things for our country to make our country better again. So if a girl dumped me because we had one disagreement on something , that’s silly to me
- 1 mo
Yeah but trump has said some very problematic and inappropriate things in addition to his views on abortion. He’s deeply misogynistic and racist — views that are meant to be outdated and it’s funny because isn’t the US meant to be leading on western values…
Also I don’t know how his supporters think he’s going to make the US “great again”. I read on the news that a lot of people think he’s going to stop funding Ukraine and Israel and all that money is gonna go towards citizens. That’s never going to happen lol. - 1 mo
Republicans are pro life , they always have been , which I agree with them on that aspect, because to me abortion is plain out murder in my opinion , there are so many alternatives rather than killing an innocent baby. So I agree with the republicans when it comes to pro life. I just like Trump because when Trump was president before our country was at peace and things were going good , there were no wars , Trump put a stop to all of it , As for Ukraine , Trump is already putting a stop to it and he isn’t even back in the house yet. On top of that Groceries and Gas were affordable, our paychecks were less taxed and we were bringing home bigger paychecks , So I have nothing really bad to say about Trump , I feel he is what our country needs , to bring us back to being content and at peace again. Putting a stop to all these illegal immigrants coming into our country that the Democrats were accepting and handing them free money and housing and making it so they live tax free , but fuck all us Americans that work our asses off and barely get shit , let’s help illegal immigrants instead , Makes no sense to me, I wish I was handed free money and free housing. So yes Trump is going to put a stop to that shit , so he has my support all the way.
- 1 mo
Time will tell if the quality of lives will improve once Trump assumes office…but I believe the wars will go on regardless of who is president because they’re agreed on by a higher power…
- 1 mo
No but these couples are dumb as dirt if they didn't know partners leaning prior to marriage!
00 Reply - 1 mo
If she doesn't share my values I wouldn't be in a relationship with her to begin with.
10 Reply No I did not hear that I don't know that that's just ridiculous
20 Reply496 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Nope. 99% of people who are married aren't even emotionally healthy enough for a relationship
10 ReplyIf me and my significant other had different political views, I don't think I would divorce them/break up with them
00 Reply- 1 mo
Yes, but sometimes the problem is not the " opinion" but how excited they get in accusations and hate towards trump.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 mo
You really, REALLY should iron out all that nonsense BEFORE getting married.
10 Reply - 1 mo
Makes sense. If you're going to be in a relationship w/ someone their character is important, who you support highlights that character or lack of it.
00 Reply Trump called the opposite party, vermin, and now expects us to unite under him
The day i say "president trump", is the day pigs fly
Don't like it, go to russia
00 Reply- 1 mo
No. It actually happens more frequently than you think. Some people’s views change with time. I’ve seen people go off the deep end with their political views.
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Well, I would never be with anyone with strong political views to begin with.
00 Reply- 1 mo
yes because there's plenty of other stupid reasons they could break up over but why that
00 Reply I find it ridiculous and sad that people let that control their lives
00 Reply- 1 mo
Plenty more out there...
10 Reply - 1 mo
no, if my partner supported somebody who wants to take my rights away i wouldn't be with them.
10 Reply 445 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Yeah. Should've found that out before getting together.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Sounds like she did me a favor.
10 Reply - 1 mo
That would be craziest tbh
06 Reply- 1 mo
Absolutely true
- 1 mo
I completely agree
We can have disagreements and different affiliations but we must have tolerance toward one another... - 1 mo
Oh yes absolutely... u r 💯 percent right...
I wish we all could be more tolerant n compromising specially in relationships
- 1 mo
It's stupidity no more no less.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Should have gotten to know each other better then.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I find it more crazy that they marry.
00 Reply 2.2K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. No that's not crazy at all
00 Reply- 1 mo
That's seriously stupid and immature.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
I do not blame them.
00 Reply
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