My boyfriend cheated on me with his ex, while drunk

I have really bad trust issues, my dad cheated on my mom and I've been cheated on multiple times. I've gone over this with my boyfriend and he said he'd never do anything to hurt me. I began trusting him.. I knew I could. Why was I doubting him.. I love him. Last night I went drinking with my friends, we decided to go meet up with my boyfriend for my new years kiss. I went and met up with him, and he hugged me and kissed me. but he was so drunk he was going cross eyed...

I love this guy so much, I had to go back to my friends place. So we left. I went back to my friends and my boyfriends friend called me telling me I had to get back down to where they were because my boyfriend was trying to leave and go home. I didn't understand why it was such a big problem.. but I went down and my boyfriend had already left on a bus. he called me, saying he was too tired to stay out he loved me so much and to have a good night. This morning he called me, and broke up with me. I was completely blind sided and didn't understand.

Later today, he called again telling me he needs to talk to me. I said sure, he came over we went for a walk and he told me that last night he was prank calling girls with his friends. They called his ex girlfriend and then she started texting him and they were texting each other. I then found out she invited them all to her party and no one wanted to go so he was the only one to go, his friends begged him not to go but he went anyways. He said he had sex with her and somehow ended up at her aunts in the morning. I've been drunk before and hooked up with people and gone in and out of remembering who. but I'd know if I was having sex. I'm not sure if I should stay with him or leave him. I said I'd never stay with a cheater. But he cheated with his ex and it really hurts. he came to me crying and crying saying if he could take back all of that night he would.. but I just don't know what to do...
My boyfriend cheated on me with his ex, while drunk
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