PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America

PROS and CONS of being

No Hard Limits

As a light complexioned person, a mix of the two most politically prominent races in the US, you don't have any hard limits on who will or won't accept you. Now, of course one could say white people don't have any limits, but I'd argue many individuals within minority groups have something even if it's something small against white men and women. For me, I always seem to escape that sort of hard judgement. Yeah, he's black but he's white enough looking and acting to be our friend. Yeah, he's a bit corny like a white boy, but he's still looks a little black. I may not always be welcomed, but I'm never outright rejected. I don't really understand what that's like since I'm not just one thing, but I have a sense for being the "other" even if it's never that pronounced. Girls of all races have been into me, and girls of all races have not been into me, but there's never been a race of girls that was almost completely blocked off to me.

PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America

No "Automatics"

There's nowhere a light complexioned person automatically belongs except I suppose with other light complexioned people (I'll go into more detail later.) It's difficult to accept that you will never have that automatic sense of belonging and community that the majority of other people get. You will always have to work a little bit to prove you are a part of this group. When it comes to dating, there's not really a type of girl who tend to go crazy for light complexioned guys. Darker girls tend to be attracted I've founded, but just as many find light complexioned men more feminine than dark. Again, there's a lot of girls who attracted to us, but none that primarily are...

PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America

Unlimited Options

In terms of style, a multi cultural person can go any direction he or she wants to and can also create a combination of different cultural styles to find something unique. You have such a random combination of traits that you can easily look like nothing they've ever seen before and it's very difficult for someone to put you into a box. You can look just as natural in a polo as a nike t shirt. It's a nice feeling, though, I'm curious to be identified with a certain style of clothing or set of interestings and what that would be like. Sure, it's an identify crafted for you and not one you crafted for yourself, but it's an identity nontheless.

PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America

Always Feel Alone

The irony of being light complexioned and being accepted by all races to an extent is that you're fully embraced by none. Cue violin music I know, but the toughest part is that other light complexioned people are just as lost and confused as you are. Instead of banding together, we tend to be more estranged to each other and instead seek out people who have a firm sense of racial identity. Sure, we all agree that it's great to have someone that looks like you for once in your life but this doesn't really translate into real relationships. I've dated over ten girls and had sex with over thirty and not one of them was multi cultural and that's not for lack of trying.

PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America


A light complexioned person can often feel paranoid that one part of them is being judged because we're carrying so many group's traits. We worry we're too ghetto for white people and too soft for black people or too confusing for latin or Asian people. A lot of theories can arise when you don't have a firm grasp on how you fit into the larger picture of dating. Also, because we are able to move through so many groups and really might be considered the most universally attractive people of all if you consider all people and not just the US, there's a sense of guilt as to why you deserve it. This often manifests in your mind creating notions that things are harder for you in terms of dating than they actually are. You create problems because you can't accept the fact that you have no problems. This can often make you difficult in relationships with people who don't understand what your deal is and why you aren't so happy to be you...

PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America

Your personality is forced to the front

One great thing, perhaps the best, is that because people can't quite identify you they can't really ascribe too much to your personality based on your looks and so your unique personality is pushed to the front. You aren't a type, you are just you. I've never felt like i was grouped with other light complexioned people the way some white people and black people complain about people assuming things about them before getting to know them. In a crowd, you stand out but of course standing out is not always the best thing...

So yeah, just some thoughts from one light complexioned, multi cultural person on what it's like. I'm sure the experiences drastically change based on the person, but hopefully this offers a little bit of insight to those interested.

PROS and CONS of being "light complexioned" in America
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