6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

I know there have been a lot of myTakes recently about how girls DON'T want children. And how they don't care about dating guys who do want kids. That's all fine. Do what you want, you're entitled.

However, I thought it'd be nice to have a perspective from a woman who does want children, and who will never date any guy who doesn't want them.

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

1. Guys who want kids generally ARE kinder and gentler

I know it's a stereotype to say that men who like kids are "softer" or whatever. And it's wrong to say that just because a guy likes children he's somehow less of a manly man. But in my experience, it's absolutely true that men who don't want kids seem colder, more distant, more stand-off-ish. That's just the way they come across to me.

2. I'm 31 and if you don't want kids, you're wasting my time

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

Maybe when I was 20 and the guy wasn't sure about wanting a family, I'd date him to see if he might change his mind. But I don't have time for that anymore. My biological clock is starting to tick and I want a husband and a father, so there's no point in me dating you if you've flat-out said you don't want kids. Hell, at this point, I don't want to date anyone unless they're 100% certain they do want a family.

3. Kids do something to me...something good

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

Every time I'm around kids, I ache. Most of my friends have kids now and all I ever want to do is babysit them. I want to be around them, hear their laughter, see them fooling around, etc. I want all this because I know I want to be a mother; it's just something I was always meant to do. Parenting is both a responsibility and a gift and while it may not be everyone's bag, I know it's mine. So sue me.

4. I don't want to be an old lady and have no children or grandchildren

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

Once I passed 30, I really started to take stock of my life. I looked down the road and envisioned the future. I saw this dried-up old hag with no family, who was just plain miserable and felt as if she'd wasted her entire life. I will not allow that to happen. Even if I can't have biological children (and I believe I can), I will adopt. One way or another, I will have a family and I won't be haunted by that tragic old lady in the future.

5. Family memories are the best

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

All my best memories come from my family. I grew up in a big family (three brothers and two sisters) and we just had one of those wonderfully idyllic childhoods. You know all those cliched memories, like everyone huddling under a blanket on a winter's night in front of the fireplace, or those reams of family vacation photos adorning every wall? I'm familiar with them all and it's long past time I created some of my own.

6. Guys who don't want kids seem to be way more selfish in bed

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids

Again, another personal observation so don't leap down my throat. In my experience, guys who don't want kids really aren't great lovers; they're all "me, me, me" in the sack. Maybe that's part of the reason why other people accuse them of being selfish when they say they don't want a family...? I don't know. All I know is that my best lovers have always been guys who wanted kids as ardently as I, and that's important to me.

6 Reasons Why I'll Never Date a Guy Who Doesn't Want Kids
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