Why Women Actually Go for Looks Instead of Personality

Why Women Actually Go for Looks Instead of Personality

Here you are. At a coffee shop looking at your dream girl. She's sitting down with a caramel frappe and looking at her laptop. You decide to get the guts to go and talk to her. You say to her "Hey! I saw you sitting here and I thought you were pretty cute so I came over to talk to you. My name is (insert name)" and she straight up ignores you. Chances are that it wasn't your personality at fault here; it was your looks.

Gentlemen, it is time to realize that women care about your looks more than your personality. We don't live in a fairy-tale land where you can get any girl you want with ogre looks and a great personality. Looks will always dominate personality and this applies for both genders too. I already know what the comments are going to be too. "Oh, he's such a beta male. More women for me!", "Might as well go gay" or "You have no clue what women older than you are like! You only know about girls who are your age." Let me get something clear, I am not here to bash women, just stating facts. I am 17 years old and I know of my experiences and others I have interviewed. Let's start off with how girls act over time.


Ah middle school, this is where relationships begin. These relationships are very shitty and only last about a week usually. This is because the couple has no clue of what they are doing. They think second base is holding hands. This is usually where all the experiments happen too, like kissing. Most people get their first kiss during their middle school career. Men and women base their relationships off of looks, or they date you because they feel bad. This was the case for me. I had three girlfriends in middle school and none of them actually liked me. They only did because they felt bad, it was only out of sympathy. Girls during middle school won't even talk to you if you are ugly. To sum everything up, looks are way way above personality.

Why Women Actually Go for Looks Instead of Personality


As a senior in high school, i'd say that so far high school has been fun. I've had lots of memorable times with my friends and hopefully want to continue that, but the girls still act like, well, girls. They still think that looks are greater than personality, but now the relationships last longer. Relationships in high schools varies from a month to all four years of high school. Girls in high school are more "open". They like to do more stuff like sex for example. It feels as though getting a girlfriend is so easily accessible in high school, if you are attractive. Unattractive guys like me are left in the dust.

Girls still don't want to be associated with you if you are unattractive. I've never had a girlfriend through my high school career and still don't have my first kiss. Last year for prom, I had to bring my best friend's younger sister (who was a freshman at the time) to prom because my friends practically begged me to go to prom even though I didn't want to go. It wasn't even that fun because I kept seeing real couples together and how happy they were. This year I don't even plan to go to prom at all because I know that girls only care about looks.


Why Women Actually Go for Looks Instead of Personality

Okay, so this is the point of the myTake where I had to get other men's experiences with women because I'm not in college yet. College is the place to find your potential soulmate. Girls and guys alike are out to find their potential mate; however, girls STILL only look for attractive guys. Personality is now playing a bit more of a dominate role, but looks is still on top. Now is the point in life where you must have looks, but now you need your personality to backup your looks. The reality is that a lot of guys who are in college are single because they are unattractive. It's kinda sad if you ask me.


This is the final point of the evolution. You are out of college and now in the real world. It's time to put your major to use and get a job, house, car, etc. Guess what women are like post college? Yep! They still look for only attractive guys. They keep doing this until they hit the "wall". Once they have hit the wall, their standards lower, thus unattractive guys have a slightly better chance of getting into a relationship. This is also the period in which status becomes a big factor. Some women will put status over everything, but this take isn't about gold diggers so they are irrelevant. The majority of women want a guy who is good looking.


Now, do you know the reason why girls are really only into good looking guys? Because that is what attracts them more, not personality. I know that personality plays a big part, but let's be real here, if an ogre-looking dude comes up to you to introduce himself and he has an amazing personality would you consider dating him! No! He must meet your physical standards in order for you to be attracted him. I know that you can say the same thing with guys but in reality, girls turn down guys more than guys turn down girls. Girls will always say "Well I can just say guys only want girls with big boobs.", but then once a guy, who doesn't meet her physical standards, approaches her she will turn him down and talk to her friends about how ugly he was. I'm not saying that women misogynistic or anything, but you simply can't say that when you go around and do the same thing. It's hypocritical. Girls can't help themselves as it is part of evolution.

Why Women Actually Go for Looks Instead of Personality


There is the girl on YouTube called SSSsniperwolf. She's a very attractive girl gamer who makes Call of Duty gameplay and I really like her content, but she used to date this guy who goes by Sausage. Now, Sausage isn't the most handsome looking dude, but SSSsniperwolf still dated him and said that it was because of his personality, not necessarily his looks. That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I don't believe it for one second. Ogre looking dudes don't get attractive girls unless they have something on the table that is HUGE like money, big house(s), nice car(s), etc... In the words of Kanye West, "Now I ain't sayin she a gold digger, but she ain't messin with no broke, broke......" That kinda sums up what I think about SSSsniperwolf, not hating her though I love her content, but something was up between them. So don't believe girls or dating coaches when they say "Personality is way over looks guys!" because it isn't. It isn't logical.


For the people who are going to say that I am bitter, I guess I am a little bit. I can't really blame girls though they can't help themselves, but it sucks when I get turned down because i'm "ugly". I've been called "handsome" by a few girls i'm cool with, older women, and even some guys (not out of homosexual content), but I never believe them. I've been rejected too many times to believe them. i don't think i'm handsome at all quite frankly. I also use to believe that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" bullshit too.

To some extent, it's true, but it's mostly false. Good looking guys get good looking girls and unattractive guys get nothing. The unattractive girls are too busy chasing the attractive guys to be worried about the unattractive guys. To sum up everything, girls want looks over personality. Hate to break it to you, but we don't live in a world where we unattractive men can get Kendall Jenner or Emily Ratojkoski. Please feel free to leave feedback and i'll try to respond to as many comments as I can. Thanks for reading!

Why Women Actually Go for Looks Instead of Personality
Post Opinion