To Everyone: Stop Looking for Love!


Today, I would like to announce something that I think everyone needs to hear...

Stop looking for love.

Stop. Just stop. Stop trying to get that cute guy's attention. He probably isn't even aware you exist. And don't ask out the girl you sit next to in chemistry class just because she happens to be pretty. Pretty does not equal quality. Stop coming onto this website and posting sob stories about how you were rejected by a girl, or how the guy you like doesn't like you back.

Why? Because it doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter? Because looking too hard won't get you anywhere.

To Everyone: Stop Looking for Love!

One underlying problem is this: we humans often mistake lust for genuine feelings. Sure, he might be muscular. And yeah, maybe she does look great in a bikini. But sex won't get you very far. Your relationship will be too rushed, and you won't have time to get to know each other properly.

Another problem is that we're desperate to have someone love us, and so we girls decide to crush on one guy after another, and guys decide to pursue one girl after another in the hopes that eventually, something will work out.

The problem with these problems is that they're going to cause unnecessary stress. If you base your relationship on sex, one person will most likely catch real feelings, while the other can't return them. If you try too hard to get the attention of the opposite sex, you'll only be frustrated when things don't go your way, and you'll start to obsess over the fact that you're single. Believe me, I've seen some pretty obsessive people from both genders on here.

Life isn't a movie, and someone's heart isn't a prize. You can't win it.

This brings me to my main point...

Love will happen if you let it find you.

To Everyone: Stop Looking for Love!

Little do you know, your best guy friend could like you as more than a friend. One of your female friends might see everything she wants in a guy in you. Look for the signs. And if someone who knows you beyond surface level really, genuinely likes you, and you think they're cool, give them a chance. He might not have a six-pack, and she might not be a model, but in the end, personality is what counts. It might work out to move from friends to romantic partners, or it might not. And if it doesn't, go back to being friends. Another opportunity will arise soon. Maybe your best friend's brother really likes you. Or maybe the girl you sit next to in class -- and talk to from time-to-time -- finds you interesting.

I used to look for love. And then one day, a guy walked into my life. After a few months, I fell in love. He initially wasn't the ideal guy I was looking for, but he became everything I wanted and more.

So please, don't look for love. Don't set standards, and then strictly adhere to them. Don't try too hard. What is meant to be, will be. Love will find you. You just need to keep your eyes open. If you don't, you'll miss what's already right in front of you.

To Everyone: Stop Looking for Love!
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