I Would Rather Settle Than Be ALONE!

So here it goes....

I Would Rather Settle Than Be ALONE!

I am a 26 year old female, with a good job, graduate degree, own my own home, and honestly, not to brag- but I am decent looking. I always hear my friends and family tell me "what a catch you are!" But yet I continue dating a guy that is well below my level. He is in debt, doesn't shower daily, acts like a child and really is quite lazy and irresponsible. We have our fair share of fights and I am quite tired of him... but here it goes... I would rather date him than be alone.

I Would Rather Settle Than Be ALONE!

I am way too tired to put in effort in the dating world, and having someone in my home with whom I can eat with and watch tv is sufficient to make me happy. After work I am exhausted and the last thing I want to do is think about going out and meeting a man that I may or many not deserve.

I Would Rather Settle Than Be ALONE!

Sometimes settling isn't the worst thing in the world. In fact I have learned to accept it and live with it. Sure I could do better, sure I can find someone that treats me right and is on the same level of intellectualism and emotional stability... but I'm fine and yes I'll settle.

I Would Rather Settle Than Be ALONE!
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