3 Book Reads for Those Who Can't Enough Girls Ask Guys


"The Art of Not Giving a F*ck" - Mark Manson

3 Book Reads for Those Who Can't Enough Girls Ask Guys

The runaway success of a former pick up coach turned life advice coach for both men and women. This book breaks ground on a philosophy of living that few have gotten into--that nothing you currently care about matters. Ask a four year old your ultimate life mission or the horrible failure of your life and she'll look at you for a few seconds giggle and ask you to be a tree or to play horsies. Your constant quest to be happy is meaningless. You don't need to be happy 24/7. You need to stop caring. You need to let go and then you'll finally feel peace.

"Dataclysm" - Christian Strudder

3 Book Reads for Those Who Can't Enough Girls Ask Guys

This is the real GAGer treat. It's data after data after data about love dating and relationships. Any stat people on here blindly talk about you can actually know and make your own inferences from

"The Truth" - Neil Strauss

3 Book Reads for Those Who Can't Enough Girls Ask Guys

The legend (or creep) who wrote The Game the book that brought pick up artistry to the mainstream either for glory or for comedy fodder writes a sequel about what happens once you get the girls. Is monogamy natural for a man? For a woman? How does one achieve true happiness in a commitment that limits freedom of choice? The answer is at the end of this book.

3 Book Reads for Those Who Can't Enough Girls Ask Guys
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