Women Don't Want Money, But They Want What It Can Buy


I will be honest i have never dated a woman who said "you must have money" in fact all the girls i went out with never talked about money or asked about it.... however i noticed that my friends who did have money were far more capable than me despite them asking me for advice since they dont know how to treat a woman, i also observed a lot of relationships and i came to the conclusion that : women do not want your money, however they do want what your money can buy .

what does it mean ? i just said they dont want money, which is true, they couldnt care less about how much you make a month if you can provide them with a fun time and go out with them and treat them like they want to be treated.

Women dont want money, but they want what it can buy

and i see a lot of women on here commenting how money shouldn't be an issue and you can go on cheap dates or take a walk somewhere and no need to spend money or have unnecessary expenses cause girls aren't after your money .... here's the issue :

to go on a date you need a car, a car costs a lot of money to buy and keep plus the gas, cause lets face it if you're driving a girl around it ain't gonna be cheap ... as for those who claim that a night at a guys place is more than enough, well i can assure you that having a place of your own is pretty expensive when you have no job or you dont make enough because of other expenses (a college student for example) , my friends who luck out with girls have a place and a car, that their parents pay for cause they are rich, and from what i observed having your own place is like a "free sex" ticket that has no expiration date .

Girls claim that they want a fun guy a guy who can make them happy and help them have fun, but what they fail understand (or they do but refuse to admit it) is that to have fun you need money, i have a lot of friends who are players and they tell me about their sexual endeavors and how easy is it to get some girls (who they call easy and slutty) so i asked once ... "okay she's easy but what did you do to get laid ?" and my friend's answer was :

" I took her with my car, we went to a nearby store and i got her some alcohol then rented a hotel room and had sex with her " .... basically he spent about a 100$ that night to get laid and to him that was an easy lay cause most girls require more work, well i think you got the idea .

Women Don't Want Money, But They Want What It Can Buy

of course some will say " but life isn't only about sex, some girls want something real, want a companion, a boyfriend , someone to love" and i agree with you some girls will stay with a broke guy until he is in a good shape financially but here's the issue with your theory :

1- such girls do exist but are rare if they are hot

2- usually these girls are unattractive and they have no choice but to stick around since they lack options, a broke guy whose decent is better than being alone ... hot chicks dont have that issue .

when men talk about getting a quality woman they are talking about a pretty woman who is not fat, doesn't sleep around, decent, has a good personality, caring ,loyal and basically a girl that a lot of guys want ... I don't know about you guys but i never met such a woman married to a broke guy or even dating one (unless she's very desperate ) .

even when it comes to relationships women still want to have good time and enjoy spending time with the guy and that requires money, even the cheapest of dates required me to drive 30 mins to get the girl and another 30 mins to get her home, and i needed a car and money for gas which we all know is not cheap, so no matter how you look at it , dating requires money, no need to be rich but you need money that some guys simply dont have especially if you are a point of your life that you need every cent and can afford to blow money on a girl that may or may not be interested in you .

when i see people on here calling someone idiotic for not dating cause he has no money i just think to myself " well they are suggesting cheap dates, but do they understand the amount of work done behind the scenes to go on such dates ? "

So my conclusion is that : Women do not want your money, but they do what what it can buy

Women Don't Want Money, But They Want What It Can Buy
45 Opinion