Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

#Choose #Carefully.❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

Everyone always says “You can’t help who you love”. That’s just not true. Have you thought about what you are looking for in a boy? Make yourself a list ahead of time and avoid #choosing the #wrong #boys.

❤#Don’t #Just #Give #Your #Trust #Away. ❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

Spend time determining whether you can #trust the person you are #dating. If he is someone that your friends and family don’t know, then this process can take even longer. Trust is something that a person #earns by #consistently showing you what their #character is. Does he do what he says he will? Does he lie to you or other people? Does he act much differently towards you when around others than when alone with you? Has he treated other girls badly? These are signs that he is #untrustworthy.

#Never #Cancel on #Previous #Plans with your #Girlfriends or #Neglect your #friendships. ❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

Your good friends will be there #forever. #Boys will come and go. Don’t #neglect, #ignore, or treat your friends badly when you are in a relationship. You will definitely #regret it.

❤Don’t be #Flattered by #Jealousy. ❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

If your boyfriend regularly intrudes on your #privacy, accuses you of cheating, threatens other boys or tries to limit or #control your #freedom, ditch him. This guy is bad news!! This is the behavior of #batterers and #stalkers.

❤#Stick #up #for #Yourself. ❤

Good relationships are built on being assertive. #Assertiveness is expressing your own needs respectfully to other people. Ignoring your own #needs and feelings while consistently putting boys first, will cause boys to walk all over you. If you are angry or hurt about something a boy did tell him. Using I statements is a good way to do that. If a boy said he would call you and he didn’t, say “ I feel hurt that you said you would call me yesterday and you didn’t”. You have a right to #your #feelings.

❤Don’t #date #boys who have #girlfriends. ❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

This might seem obvious but I know a lot of girls who do. A boy who has a girlfriend is not interested in you for the right reasons. Have you never met his friends? Does he treat you differently at school then when you are alone? Something’s not right. Get rid of him!

❤#Introduce the boy to #your #family.❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

A boy who really likes you will be willing to do things that might make him uncomfortable. If he really cares about you he will want to meet your family. If he doesn’t really care about you, why are you wasting your time? You will only wind up depressed and unhappy.

#Ask #your #friends #what #they #think. ❤

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian

Listen to their #feedback about whether they like him or not. Your girlfriends might be #jealous of your relationship but good friends can normally work through this. If your friends don’t like your boyfriend listen to what they have to say.

Hope it helps. 😊

Hope girls stop blocking #INDIAN Guys.

- Being a Good Indian

Subtle Dating Tips for Teen Girls. - Being a Good Indian
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