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Dating Tips for Women

Dating Tips for Women

I've written my dating tips for guys already, so to follow up, here are my tips for women. As I mentioned with the last post, with any advice, take it or leave it! You don't have to believe as I do, it's just opinions and a little advice, k, cool!

1. Who Pays

This is up to you and your date, but let's be really real here...we are now in 2024. You make money, presumably, as does he, so a guy shouldn't "have to" pay for every date. Part of a date is treating the other person, and as the golden rule says, treat others the way you want to be treated. If you are a traditionalist, there is nothing wrong with that. You want a man led relationship, that's fine if that's what you want, BUT, make that clear early on or look in dating spaces where this is the norm.

2. You Don't Owe A Guy Anything

Sadly there are still some cave men who believe that if they buy you dinner you OWE them sex, or maybe you actually believe that already. No. Your body belongs to you. Dinner and a movie doesn't mean you must go to bed with someone no matter how much they pressure you or try to insult you into thinking that.

Dating Tips for Women

3. Be Crystal Clear About What You Want

If your dream is to someday get married and have 3 kids and live on a farm in Vermont, don't look for the city guy who has no desire to ever get married...like ever. Go for what you actually want and if you are posting up to dating profiles, be clear that this is who you are and what you're looking for. If you're on a date, NEVER let anyone try and shame you out of what you desire. Don't let someone tell you marriage is stupid or not wanting kids is a travesty 'for a woman'. And LISTEN really closely to the following : BELIEVE A MAN. If he says no I never want kids, I will never move, I hate my family---believe that. He's telling you who and what he is and you SHOULD listen. Don't get all pissy 2 months later because you can't change him. He told you and YOU didn't listen. That fault is on you.

4. Know Your Worth

I said it to the guys and I'm saying it to you. Before you even sit down on that date, know that you are worth it. Don't let a guy treat you like dirt under his shoe or disrespect you, and on the same token don't do those type of things to others because karma is a beast. Your worth does not depend on a man telling you how great or beautiful you are, you should know those things. When you know those things, no one can tear you down despite if they are bitter or nasty or a jerk on a date.

Dating Tips for Women

5. Eat. Think. Speak

So many women go on a date and eat like a leaf of lettuce. Come on! Order real food and eat real food that makes you happy and fulfilled. Also don't pretend like you don't have a brain. If a conversation about politics somehow pops up and you've got a graduate degree in political science, speak your mind! Don't ever pretend you aren't as smart, talented, creative, funny, or whatever it is you are to try and impress a guy or hype up his ego. Be you, because in doing so you will find someone that truly appreciates that and respects that about you.

6. Stop Pressuring Your Date

Date one, take a deep breath. Calm down. Date one is not something that you should use to determine the entirety of your life with this person. Yes, you should know what you want but the 30 questions fired off back to back rapid fire---you want a family, you want marriage, how committed do you think you could be to me, what is your financial status, why did your ex break up with you, were you the problem, tell me about your entire family...geezus, chill out. You're going to seem a bit insane there. Sure casually ask a few questions, but this isn't a tax survey, this is a human being that is much more than a bunch of answers. Be casual, be yourself, but don't pressure someone to commit to your life day one.

Dating Tips for Women

7. Hold off on the S-E-X

Not trying to shame anyone, but if you are actually looking for something beyond just a hookup like a real solid long term relationship, maybe don't give it up day one of meeting a guy. This is especially true if you have a steady track record of only a few dates after you've had sex day one and no one seems to ever stick around. Maybe, just maybe, spend a few dates, getting to actually know a guy and if he's worth it to you.

8. Safety First.

I literally hate to say here we are in 2024 and women still have to pay close attention to this, but safety first or pain later. Some of the best dating advice I've ever got was to drive your own car to your first couple of dates. If this guy turns out to be a real psycho, he will know where you live, he could become a stalker, whatever. If he's a creep, you're stuck trying not to get molested on the way home or he may flat out say, you suck and not take you back home. Anything could happen. Notify at least one family or friend of who you are going out with and your intended locations. Turn your location on, on your phone. Never leave your drinks unattended. If you go to the bathroom, order a fresh drink after. If you feel unsafe for any reason, leave. Don't hope it will get better. Mace in the purse.

Dating Tips for Women

9. Pay Attention to How He Treats You + Others

If you're on a date, and your date is treating you or the waitstaff like they are beneath him, or he's absolutely losing his s--t because someone honked at him, or he makes some really off brand rude comments about another woman, his ex, or his family, listen up. Most people can keep their bits of crazy inside for at least date one, but if he's unleashing a darker side, a rude side, a mean side, already and you barely know him, beware, there may be real danger ahead or someone who will treat you the way he is speaking of others.

10. Let Expectations Go

For a lot of women, you may feel this side pressure to get the boyfriend, get into that relationship, have the family, get settled, or to be whatever this person wants you to be for them. Let that go or you'll really start to hate dating because it or a man won't be able to fulfill those dreams as quick as you think you need or you won't find Mr. Perfect (because he doesn't exist). Date one, drop the checklist, and just concentrate on how you feel and how you think the date is going. Try and just enjoy it with no expectations of everything going just right. He may be shy, you may not be all that interested in what he's saying, or your date that was planned could be awful. Don't be afraid if things don't go well to give it one more chance if you think there is even an inkling of something there with this person. We all know we've had bad first auditions, bad first interviews, bad days, so give them or yourself some grace because you may miss out otherwise on a really good guy.

Dating Tips for Women
46 Opinion