Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"

Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"

So a few days ago I was procrastinating my studies in order to look at the /r/niceguys page on Reddit. I was scrolling through the all time feed and laughing my ass off at all the self proclaimed "nice guys." About 5 pages into the all time feed I had a stunning realization, I was that guy that these Reddit users are roasting. Looking back on it, I am so glad that I am no longer the ironic and hypocritical "nice guy".

In middle school, I was the textbook definition of a "nice guy". I would practically beg girls to date me and some of those girls dated me, but only out of pity. Those "relationships" didn't last longer than two weeks. I would always either blame my "bad genetics" that made me unattractive, or I would blame women for not wanting a nice guy and always wanting a bad boy. This mentality all changed one day in the 8th grade. I was sitting in Spanish class and my friend didn't do the homework, so I let him copy off of my homework. The teacher saw my friend copying my paper and she asked who he was copying the homework from. My friend, with no choice left, pointed to me. My Spanish teacher looked at me and said "Noah, you're too nice."

I would remember those very words until this very day. She then assigned us both a detention (however I was able to cancel mine.), but it wasn't the fact that I was caught doing something I wasn't suppose to be doing that stuck with me, it was the fact that all this time, I was acting like a beta bitch. Those words turned me from a "nice guy" beta bitch, to a man. Throughout high school I also struggled with women, however it wasn't such a big deal. I'd have my nice guy tendencies to rant about how girls don't like me, but I would take a deep breath and move the fuck on.

Today as a freshman in college, getting girls isn't a huge problem and now I've even been called a stereotypical "bad boy" (which I'm really not, but I will explain later) by a "nice guy". So today, I will explain why these "bad boys" (or Chads as nice guys claim) get more girls that the "nice guy".

1.) They don't spend every second trying to impress a girl

Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"

The stereotypical nice guy thinks that sending flowers to his crush every day will make her want to date her. Wrong. That's just fucking creepy. Stop buying her flowers, stop buying her boxes of chocolates, in fact stop buying a girl shit if you two aren't even in a relationship. Have you guys ever heard the saying "Don't put pussy on a pedestal"? That is exactly what these "nice guys" do, they treat a girl as a prize instead of a human being. Now, this doesn't mean to treat a girl like garbage. Although I've talked to girls who said that they like that kind of stuff, most girls don't. These "bad boys" don't spend every waking minute trying to impress a girl, they just do. In their heads, they think "Ima do whatever the fuck I want to do and if she's impressed by it, awesome, if not then oh well."

2.) "Nice guys" aren't actually nice

Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"

Did you guys notice how I put quotation marks around "nice guys"? It's because they claim to be nice, but they aren't. They are nice to you at first (usually in a creepy way), but then when you reject them, you're all of a sudden a self-absorbed cunt who only fucks Chads. They also think that any guy who is in a relationship is a "Chad", which is far from the truth. For the most part, i'm a genuinely nice guy. I'm not uber nice as you can probably tell by this take, but i'm nice to people who are nice to me and deserve respect. I've been on dates with girls before and have girls that are friends. I show respect EVERYONE who deserves respect, not just girls. It's not because I want to get laid (personally I don't because i'm a virgin by choice), its because i'm a decent human being. "Nice guys" are only nice because they want something out of it. I also put quotations around "bad boys" because 99% of the time, they aren't even the stereotypical bad boy.

3.) "Bad boys" don't use being nice as their only thing to offer

The real stereotypical bad boy offers adventure, which "nice guys" do not. "Nice guys" don't care about being adventurous, unless it's exploring a new DLC map for Call of Duty. If you're only offer to a girl is being nice, then you won't get any girls. That's like applying for a job and your only offer is that you'll show up on time. Then you complain about how the other guy got the job instead of you because of favoritism, but that other guy had a lot more things on his resume like work experience, a college education, etc... I'm not saying you should go out and buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle and a leather jacket and try to pick up as many women as possible, but go outside for once.

4.) "Nice guys" assume that the reason a girl breaks up with a guy is because of an abusive relationship

Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"

This kind of confuses me. It only show how ignorant "nice guys" are. "Nice guys" assume that because you broke up with your boyfriend, that means that he abused you and that you need to date him or else you'll repeat the cycle. It's the dumbest thing ever. There are so many reasons out there as to why couples split up, but yet "nice guys" assume that it's the worst reason possible. The funny thing is that those "nice guys" are most likely to become abusers.

5.) "Nice guys" assume that girls only date bad boys so they can turn them into nice guys.

I've seen many instances of "nice guys" complaining how women always want to flip bad boys into nice guys and that they should date them instead. What the fuck is this, HGTV? Are we flipping houses and shit? There are a few girls who try to do that, but the majority of girls don't even fuck with the stereotypical bad boy. They go with a genuine nice guy from the start. The reason YOUR not getting a date is because you're a dickhead. Plain and simple.

I know there are beta "nice guys" reading this take right now, so if you want to change, I'll leave a little advice

1.) Stop putting pussy on a pedestal

Please, I beg of you, stop doing this. Women are not prizes, they are humans like you and me. The reason you aren't getting girls is because you care too much. I've learned not to give two shits about getting girls and focus on myself.

2.) Get the fuck outside

Go outside of your house for once. Adventure. Travel to a new state or country. The more stories you gain, the more stories you can tell, and women love a good adventure story. I'll give you an example of one story I always like to tell girls. It's more of a funny story. When I was around 10 or 11, I use to like classic rock music, so my dad and I went to a Lynard Skynard concert, only to find out we were the only two black people there. It got even worse when in the middle of one of their songs, they rose the confederate flag and said that the south would rise again. We got stared at by a bunch of people. Now reading this, you'll probably think that this isn't that funny, however I tell it in a playful manner. It was an uncomfortable moment at the time, but it is a funny story nonetheless. Out of the many girls I've told this to, I've only had one girl not laugh her ass off. I also have other stories too, and what you need are some stories. So get the fuck outside

3.) Man the fuck up

Stop texting your crush eight times a day, stop stalking her Instagram, stop sending her unwanted nudes, and stop asking her for nudes. Learn what the qualities of a true man is and use them. Women flock to men who are masculine in nature and acting like a beta "nice guy" bitch won't help.

4.) Work out

Working out will help with your confidence and you'll look more physically pleasing. Studies have shown that women are more attracted to buff guys (not bodybuilders, but your average Calvin Klein model.) So work on your physique. I'll admit that I'm not a buff guy, i'm pretty skinny. However, I've been working out for three years now and i've grown some muscle. Now I can fit small size tee shirts really well (arms hugging the sleeves and everything) and sometimes I wear extra small if I want a really really nice fit. I've had girls tell me that they only date buff guys, even had a girl tell me that she's uncomfortable dating guys who weigh less than her. Unfortunately, the women who said that were really attractive, but it doesn't mean every girl thinks like this. "Nice guys" think that they can score Gal Gadot, but yet they're obese or rail thin. I'm not saying you can't get girls if your skinny or fat, but don't expect to automatically get a gorgeous girl who is fit if you aren't fit yourself.

5.) Change up your wardrobe

It's time to get rid of that weird ass Pokemon shirt and buy some nice clothes that fit well. Having nice clothes will instantly make you more attractive to women. Watch men's style videos on YouTube, get advice from a stylish friend. You don't need to be decked out in Supreme and Gucci clothing to get girls, you just need the basics and knowledge of how to wear your clothes with style.

And there you have it folks, the reasons why "bad boys" get more girls than these self-proclaimed "nice guys", also throwing in some tips on how to elevate your game. Feel free to express your love, hate, or questions in the comments below. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to read a 250 page book by next week. Wish me luck!

Why The "Bad Boy" Gets More Women Than The "Nice Guy"
56 Opinion