Why Co-Mingling Your Finances in a Relationship Might be a Mistake


My last relationship lasted 4 years and we actually split finances in (now) my apartment including utilities, rent, car, credit cards etc. The end of the relationship began 7 months before we actually split. I realized at that time I had made a HUGE mistake. I relied on his paycheck more than mine and got into debt with that mindset.

Do you ever think co-mingling your finances in a relationship might be a mistake?

He made twice what I make and paid most of the credit card bills we both incurred. Once I realized we weren't going to last I took steps to paying the debt down to a manageable amount for me to pay off solely. it's very difficult to feel a myriad emotions while trying to get your financial picture in check. I learned to not "let things go", i.e. buying something (somethings) and worry about paying for it later. This myTake is not to blame him for anything actually. I made my own poor financial decisions and wanted to share my experience.

Why Co-Mingling Your Finances in a Relationship Might be a Mistake

My credit took a huge hit and I'm now on a strict budget. I don't buy anything I can't pay for in cash. Wait, wait..... I take that back. I traded in my CRV and purchased a Honda Civic. This car is a long-term investment I'm glad I undertook. My monthly payment is what I can afford to pay. I have one credit card with nothing owed on it. When I buy anything (Starbucks, gaming schtuff etc), it's with cash. I save for it and make the purchase.

Why Co-Mingling Your Finances in a Relationship Might be a Mistake

Budgeting is sexy! There's never any excuse to be financially irresponsible. I manage to save a little amount every week and have put it in a Roth 401K. Any future relationship I happen to be in will include a discussion of finances. I do not plan to live with a boyfriend ever again. He can treat me to dinner/drinks etc. and I can do the same. I want to enjoy going out and not worry I can't really afford to buy this steak dinner.

Don't be embarrassed to talk to about money and what your expectations are with your significant other, if it is a serious relationship. If your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't want to discuss finances, make them!

Why Co-Mingling Your Finances in a Relationship Might be a Mistake

Live within your means, save for a rainy day and fall in love with your budget! Thank you for reading.:)

Why Co-Mingling Your Finances in a Relationship Might be a Mistake
16 Opinion