6 Things I Find Attractive in a Man, Apparently

So apparently I got nominated for this challenge thingy. Mainly by @jcampbell115 and @AbdKilani. Thanks guys. This is turning out to be a fantastic introduction, but I’d just like to say I normally only write Takes on society and politics issues, so forgive any wrong shit I do.

And if you get butthurt super easily, please leave, because I have a tendency to piss people off. It’s a talent of mine.

1) Intelligence

6 Things I Find Attractive in a Man, Apparently

This seems to be pretty basic, but is a huge one for me. I don’t care if you’re a walking replica of Zac Efron, if your IQ is subpar, rejection is heading your way. I don’t mean simply being smart, either, because with intelligence comes a sense of humor I appreciate- dry and sarcastic. I deeply appreciate witty banter as well, which requires being intelligent. I also, and I’m sure this is a shocker, love debating- I’d like to be able to debate social issues and politics with my partner.

2) Good Body

6 Things I Find Attractive in a Man, Apparently

I had typed it out but accidentally fking deleted it. Ugh. Anyways, a good body is important to me, as it’s what I’m attracted to. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, muscular biceps and pecs. It also means he’s healthy, which is even more important- he cares about an active lifestyle and prolonging his life, and will push me further with my fitness goals.

3) Compassionate

6 Things I Find Attractive in a Man, Apparently

I’m running out of ideas here and I’m only on #3. But I’m really attracted to compassion, not just being “nice” or “sweet”, but truly compassionate, easy to talk to, someone who gives love to others and takes joy in being dependable. That’s such a great quality in a guy.

4) Sarcastic

Im done posting pictures. Just done.

Anyways, I’m a really sarcastic person, that’s just my sense of humor. It’s really attractive to me when a guy not only fully picks up on my humor and understands it, but returns it. I’ve had a lot of people go, “huh? What does that mean?”. It’s really attractive when a guy’s a bit of a salty asshole like me.

5) Height

Probably gonna get a lot of shit for this one, but yes, I care about height. I’m pretty independent and so I rarely feel that cutesy vulnerable feeling- but being with a guy whose a solid 8+ inches taller then me makes me feel more feminine, and hugs are cool, and so are piggyback rides. Generally, being tall is super attractive to me. Not saying I wouldn’t date a short guy, but looking at my dating history, I never have, and I think that’s simply because taller, more thin men are my preference.

6) Loyalty/Not a doormat/Idk

Im hardcore out of ideas. But I value loyalty above all else, and while I’m not like “ooo, he’s so loyal, pls fuck me”, if I’m dating someone, I expect and want him to be loyal- take my side in public arguments, have my back, don’t just lay there and be afraid of confrontation, either. I’m really opinated and strong, and generally have conflicts with people. I want someone who will support me through that, and not only me, but also be loyal to his family and friends.

So I guess that’s it. This has been the most meaningless thing I’ve ever written.

I’m not going to nominate people because I want this trend to die, plus if I tagged carpet she’d write a Take spamming “1) Weeb. 2) Weeb. 3) Weeb.” And so on.

6 Things I Find Attractive in a Man, Apparently
Post Opinion