Things I Find Unattractive When Dating


1. Nerds

Things I Find Unattractive When Dating

They disturb me when they talk and I find it annoying.

2. Bad guys ( personality) / criminal

They should be in jail ,why am I there warden.

3. Gym rats/over achiever

Things I Find Unattractive When Dating

Gym is life...gym is your life. When they try to force you to gym.

4. Druggie/ alcoholic/ emotional wreck

I should be the mess in the relationship.

5. Gamers

Things I Find Unattractive When Dating

I have no idea what your talking about. The game is Hella boring.

6. Players

Things I Find Unattractive When Dating

Join the gamers you guys like playing mind games.

What did I miss out let me know in the comments...

Things I Find Unattractive When Dating
36 Opinion