Would rather be loved DESPITE my shortness than be loved JUST BECAUSE OF my tallness

I have seen a lot of questions from nordic girls that like "I am 3cm shorter thsn average, no guys are interested in me, should i think about leg lenghtening surgery and risk to lose my leg + spend tons of money to be more attarctive for men. This is bullshit. Same situation for short men in US.
We are people, and it is our need to be loved/liked. I dont deny the importance of appearence in dating market. However, I just ask you this question.
"Why are you so devoted for people who expect you to fit their ideals"

Be selfish. You are who you are, they take it or leave it. If you love yourself enough, nobody can change your opinion on yourself.

Would rather be loved DESPITE my shortness than be loved JUST BECAUSE OF my tallness

Let People come for your chemistry, not physique

If you accept you are an "object" everyone will agree. You are a human, a whole package. You have expectations, personality, chemistry, not just a "flesh". If people just see you as a how many centimeters above the ground, they are too shallow to can't see the rest. Then it is not "you" to matter for them.

Nevermind, they think you are unattractive because you are short. So?

Seeing the beauty inside you requires intelligence, never forget that. Dont torture yourself for people who doesn't worth for it. Dont change, be stubborn.

Gold is valued because there are not many. Same as people who are not superficial. Who want "less" when you can have more? You have a personality, a nice smile, talents... much more that the body you are in. Dont let people to act like your body is the only asset you have.

Would rather be loved DESPITE my shortness than be loved JUST BECAUSE OF my tallness

You live for yourself, not somebody else

Selfish and narcisstic people are the happiest general. Because they have a thicker skin. You are the head role of your theatre, and your life is the scene. You determine who have role in your play, or who is just extra. This leg lenghtenin surgeries are ridiculus, making a flip about losign legs or being more attractive to opposite gender. Again, who are you living for?

Dont hate yourself because anybody else does. If anything, they can kiss your ass. You are the only one needed to love yourself, not anybody else needed.

Would rather be loved DESPITE my shortness than be loved JUST BECAUSE OF my tallness


Would rather be loved DESPITE my shortness than be loved JUST BECAUSE OF my tallness
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