The most effective ways to attract women

The most effective ways to attract women

Here I will share the most effective ways to attract women in no particular order. However if you do multiple ways to attract women, you'll get exponentially multiplied results. Women will be all over you if you follow these methods to attract women (provided you don't intend to attract taken or married women that is).

You also have to consider, that you must be a "normal" man in some ways if you want a to attract a good woman to begin with or else you can pretty much forget about it. What I mean is that you must...

- Have at least some grammar. Nobody likes to figure out what you said if you communicate like this "i luv 2 B awsum" or "wdym". At least no normal woman would. The same goes for having 0 punctuation, which is unattractive. Also do your best to reduce your usage of vulgar words because that is simply not attractive and at most keep them for fitting situations.

- Don't be careless about your appearance and smell. Women pick that up at the first time meeting with you.

- Be decent. Don't be an asshole and don't go those extra 10 miles to be another Elliot "reddit nice guy" Rodger.

And now for the most effective ways to attract women:

Money. Tons of money!

Don't be too disappointed. This has been the obvious and proven method to attract women. I mean everyone loves money but women love money even more. Some love it so much that they either make their own or find a sugar daddy. And if it works, then that's it. Money is a form of security. There is never enough!

Money will get you the things you want and need and money has been proven to boost confidence. Whatever you do, DO NOT call women gold diggers or think of them as such! Women can and will sense that from you sooner than you may even think of it.

The important lesson here is you should sustain yourself and have some leftover left. Ideally a woman would do the same.

Everybody wants money! But not everybody does what it takes to get more money
Everybody wants money! But not everybody does what it takes to get more money

Be muscular

Make your body a tank. Muscles means strength and women are attracted to that because then you can protect yourself and her from dangers, which is also a form of security.

Example of being muscular
Example of being muscular

Own a SUV

SUVs are cool. Men like SUVs but women may like SUVs even more like Porsche for example. Hell, anything will do, that either looks stylish or high class. Show 'em, that you are the big boy around here with one of these bad boys.

vroom vroom! You know that sweet sound of a working and powerful engine!
vroom vroom! You know that sweet sound of a working and powerful engine!

High intelligence

It's not about thinking being highly intellectual. It's about actually being intelligent. There is a difference.

The former is assuming things to be true (example: watching news and assuming a country is completely like that VS actually been in that location to know any better) and that leaves you looking nothing more than an ass. The latter is knowing things and being able to hold intellectual communications.

It may mean knowing the kinetic energy physics formula, thermodynamics, chemistry and it's interaction with the human body, protons, neurons, security vulnerabilities of anything, recipes, maintaining businesses/managing people and so on and so on. There is something for everyone.

This is how i imagine normal working brains to be
This is how i imagine normal working brains to be


Women care about looks not any less than we do. So make sure you like the way you look and try to find a few middle grounds from women's feedback if you don't mind too much. Check out some cool hairstyles, beards (if that's your thing), clothing, maybe a nice pendant and see what you like. Grooming is sexy! Trust me on this one.

The most effective ways to attract women

Looks are the opening keys. Once you have your style you'll get further with dating and getting to know each other. From there on there will be the deciding factors such as your personality, which women will catch on and then decide to keep you or to move on.

Such is dating.

One last thing: keep the logic at a moderate level at maximum. Women aren't men and women are driven by emotions and feelings. So think not with logic but with emotions and feelings and you'll begin to understand women even better and you may even entertain women.

Good luck and be confident with these methods. Remember the truths and treat the truths appropriately.

The most effective ways to attract women
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