Why I Do Cost-Benefit Analysis & Calculate ROI Before I Date a Woman


I wrote myTake after reading stories about successful people going through breakups & divorces. Here are my 4 reasons why I conduct cost-benefit analysis & calculating ROI before I date a woman.

Why I Do Cost-Benefit Analysis & Calculate ROI Before I Date a Woman

1. Doing Cost-Benefit Analysis & Calculating ROI (returns of investment) Helps Me Minimize Odds of Painful Breakup.

By doing cost-benefit analysis & calculating the ROI in dating a woman, it minimizes the odds of painful breakup by determining whether reward outweighs risk or not. Thus, reducing the odds of seeing therapist to deal with a broken heart.

2. Doing cost-benefit analysis & calculating ROI helps me reduce risk of dating ending in failure

Conducting cost-benefit analysis & computing ROI minimizes risk of dating in ending in failure by avoiding date that is more likely to end in failure. Hence, reducing the odds of dating ending in sunk cost.

3. Doing cost-benefit analysis & calculating the ROI helps me determine if dating her is worth the time & money.

Conducting cost-benefit analysis & calculating the ROI helps me determine if dating her is worth it or not. As a result, I can be 95%-99% confident that I made a correct decision.

4. Doing cost-benefit analysis & calculating the ROI makes my decision easier by quantifying risks & benefits of dating her.

Quantifying risks & benefits of dating her is important to me because it helps me decide whether to date her or not. As a result, the risk of my date ending in catastrophic failure will go down by over 50%.

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What I Fear the Most
Why I Do Cost-Benefit Analysis & Calculate ROI Before I Date a Woman
4 Opinion