Relearning the "Masculine Love Language": A Guide to Honour Codes

See that shit?! Buckle up and *LEARN* kiddlywinks!
See that shit?! Buckle up and *LEARN* kiddlywinks!

The Love Language is a term I've borrowed from ancient Vedic and Buddhist occult understandings of the Masculine and Feminine. Although I'm a European who loves his own people's culture, this same knowledge can be found in all creeds the world over, its universal forms of knowledge which I wish to apply, in practice, down below...


I write this as someone who's pretty confident in saying that I'm fairly qualified to talk about the dating-and-mating experience, however when it comes to long term, committed relationships, there are many more guys out there much my senior in years and experience. If I were in a position to offer solid advice on marriage and parenting, I would, but lets not rise above that proverbial station just yet!

You see, I've already... experimented... with a wide range of personality flavours when it comes to the opposite sex; and this is not because I have ever *aspired* to be a number-crunching man-whore, a puzzaaay slayer or 12" Thundercock... no... I was just always a little different from the other boys, and as I am now, young "men" - I tend use that term reservedly these days.

************In fact, Chad Thundercock is even a thing of the past these days!**************

It would seem even the "Progressives" have a giggle at their masterful creation!

Pre-teen years, I was a chubby little McMuffin, with well-meaning but somewhat overprotective parents. This, in part, led to me being picked on at a very young age, it destroyed my ability to see just what I was capable of - and that despite my flaws as a child, it was what the jealous little kids could see in my potential that made them try and assert themselves over me... It took me a long time to realise this! And its exactly the same in the "Adult World" - another term I use even more reservedly!

Relearning the


When those T Levels rise!
When those T Levels rise!

Boy it hit me EARLY and HARD, like I'd been kicked in the gut by a Testosterone-inducing Leonidas himself!

I was ten years old, in a scorching hot Majorca, where I remember my voice beginning to crack heavily, and my little baby nuts beginning to make their quick descent to the floor - GGGGRRRRR!

Nah fuck that, these days I've got a
Nah fuck that, these days I've got a "Viking" Beard!

From then on the adult faculties of the human mind and sexuality took over, women (an insatiable desire at that), politics and the quest to understand the history of man (and woman) took hold. I took up martial arts, boxing, started smashing weights and got pretty massive. I didn't concern myself with getting too lean in my early teens, but when you weigh a good 210lbs at 15 and shaving regularly... People really do notice... Especially when you come from very rough parts as I do.

School bullies were a thing of the past, in the physical domain at least (I'll touch on this later), by this point I'd already delivered a few cack-handed busted faces to my fellow acne-ridden peers who wanted to try it. By this point I'd already had grown ass men start on me in bars, because their wahmenzzz were eyeing me up, little did they know I was underage anyway ;). By this point I'd had sexual advances made by grown-ass women, and grown-ass homosexuals who... needless to say... regretted ever doing so a few seconds on from admiring my underage cock in a public urinal. No time for sexual deviants of any "creed".

Much to the dismay of the modern institutions known as "school", I became increasingly aware and immune to the rampant misandric emasculation of my male peers, and the equal ruining of the girls through propagated hypergamy. We live in a time where Masculinity *AND* Femininity are under attack from ideologically hegemonic forces that, for the sake of not deviating in this little take, I shall simply refer to as "Progressives"... Never the less I've muddled through onto postgraduate study, despite the systems best efforts to get rid of "undesirables" like me! Mwahahahah!

Don't sell your children!
Don't sell your children!

***** You're probably wondering WTF all this has to do with attracting, seducing, and being rightfully admired and respected by decent women? ****


My time at College (University) massively broadened my experience and knowledge on what it means to deal with the modern woman, what makes her tick, what her flaws are; and more importantly, how they have been starved of the masculine virtues in men that, ironically, many of them don't deserve to cradle either!

As I say, pictures and videos speak a thousand words, and if I could sum up my last few years in the "Dating Game", it would be this (Ref: Advice for the True (Non-PC) Men out there: How to Handle Crazy Women!

But lets hold that thought for a moment longer...

What you should take from my little life story above is that the first step towards becoming desirable to women is to become "A More Complete Beast" (Ref: Jack Donovan); and what do I mean by this you ask?

Well let me paraphrase from Mr Donovan's "The Way of Men":

I've got a few bones to pick with this guy myself, but I wouldn't endorse it if I didn't find it of worth!
I've got a few bones to pick with this guy myself, but I wouldn't endorse it if I didn't find it of worth!

It is imperative for a man to become a 'More Complete Version of Himself' (ala "Beast") before he can even begin to provide what is necessary for the demands of having any kind of woman in his life; the good, bad and ugly all the same. We can break this down into four main categories:
- Strength: Both physical and stoic forms of strength; fortitude and aptitude.
- Courage: Do I really need to explain?
- Mastery: This is where it gets interesting, mastery of the self requires a life-long, non-stop grind of failure and success, anger, despair and then prevailing victory. Do you have what it takes to take on life's challenges? Are you prepared to grind away at the things your not only good at, but not so good at?
- Honour: The most fundamental and rudimentary aspect of manhood in all it's glory. Without honour there is no self-respect, and without self-respect, there is no respect for others, and where there is no respect for anyone or anything, your tribe breaks down into decadent nihilism and all manner of pervasive degeneracy is allowed to seep in and poison the well of your people, culture and spirituality.

This process of continual self-improvement is not new, or even revolutionary (well, unless your a "Progressive"), it is a universal form of ancient esoteric practice that is found in all races, cultures and creeds the world over. Our ancestors were always testing each other, upholding strict moral and honour codes, for thousands of years we held ourselves in high regard, for what we were already capable of, but what we knew we were still capable of achieving ever more. We held annual 7 year cycles of occult initiations, designed to be a test of character, skill and spirit - an entrance into manhood. Literal and symbolic tests of our worth to see if we could live up to the names we had inherited from our ancestors!

Note to self - I would also mention certain mystery schools that have perverted such ancient forms of wisdom and practice, but I might get labelled a Tin Foil-Hatter!!!!

The modern man is NOT this...
The modern man is NOT this...

You see, in some defense of the modern man, the modern world has done everything to fucking destroy and annihilate those ancient ways... I mean... What is a man's or indeed a woman's entrance into adulthood now? Buying a car? Getting married to an equally deracinated person of the opposite gender? Least not the promotion of all forms of sexuality that are the antithesis to what a Healthy Society requires... Maybe its all about becoming the Debt Slave an Elite Clique made you and the rest of us into...?

I SAY **FUCK THAT**!!!!!

Suck it!
Suck it!

I often hear a lot these new-age false-priesthoods that go by such acronyms as "MGTOW" and "Incel" whining on. They correctly identify the symptoms of the problem, for sure many modern women are flawed to fuck, they cheat, lie and steal as much as many man ever did, but fail oh so hard to see the same weak degeneracy in themselves. They are the internet Knights Templar of our era, the elite e-warriors who are sworn to an oath of celibacy and reactionary bitterness from those EEEEEEBBBIIIIILLLEEEE WAAAHHMENNZZZ THAT STEAL 50% OF OUR INCOMES AND BLEED OUR BALLS DRY OF ALL ENERGY! (Ref: Butthurt Betas who use skewed claims to backup their own desperate naivety)

I feel your pain little man!
I feel your pain little man!

This is what 2,000 years of Messianic Judeo-Christianity has done to us, our ancestors didn't hate or fear their women, if anything they paid reverence to them, especially our Priestesses, and in rarer cases, warrior queens:

Feminism - Eat your wretched little heart out!
Feminism - Eat your wretched little heart out!

But as I say that, you’re probably screaming at your screen: “BUT DUUUUUDE, MUH WUUUHHMAANNZZZ AIN’T LIKE THAT ANYMORE, YOU CUCK!”

I know right? *Most* (not all) wahmenz today are usually more like this:

 I concur, it is gross...
I concur, it is gross...

***But here's the kicker...

On the rare occasion you happen across one of the modern worlds rarer kinds of *ACTUAL* women, tell me; what in the FUCK makes you think you deserve a piece of her? What have you got to offer a solid, wholehearted woman? And before you do, or some of you at least, don't be telling me about the latest million dollar Porsche you wanna drive your "hoes" around in, or how you bank $125k+ a year and chill with millionaires... I'm sure some of you do!

And whilst I ain't no rich man, I've hung with millionaire bankers and lawyers and the like, and I've also stolen a fair share of their little "hoes" away from them. Wanna know why? They were attracted to me because I represented the ANTITHESIS to what their little sugar daddies did. Those decrepit, weak little mutts may have a lot of buying power in this civilisation of theirs, but they ain't got BALLS.

We have vipers dressed up as sheep pretending to be wolves... Even the men with "power" are nothing more than this:


Going back to why I said I had stopped encountering bullies in the physical domain earlier on; the one thing I have noticed is that the more confident I've become as a man in recent years, the stronger the reviled kickbacks I get from the very weak, pathetic modern "men" and indeed, modern "women". Where brute force is not on their side, I have certainly had many people in artificial positions of socially prescribed power try and "bully" me, undermine me, trying to box me back in for getting too big for my own boots. Jealous and very toxic "friends" whom, no matter how much I positively encouraged against their own percieved flaws, could only hate me for the fact that I apparently outshone them - normally revolving around attracting women, and other superficiality's like the size of my muscles, or my beard - PATHETIC. Heck, I've even had to take former roommates to court for trying to steal money from me, whilst simultaneously trying to get me to fuck them in drug-fuelled threesomes! Worse yet these harlots were not only a few too many grams of cocaine-gone-in-the-head, but they were fat as fuck!

Then again, flies actually serve a purpose!
Then again, flies actually serve a purpose!


As you can probably tell, this post isn't even about women so much, I need not highlight their flaws, plenty other weak men are already doing that. But what I want you to understand is this:

The human race is built on this:

Love Language, DUH!
Love Language, DUH!

But now, is more like this:

Very... Productive.
Very... Productive.

So surely by now, you can understand why I'm talking about men so much? If not, then let me spell it out in laymens terms for you;

Men lead, women follow. Men act, women advise. In order for a man to respect an upright woman, he must have self-respect, and if he doesn't have self-respect, then how can any woman, even a low-quality one, respect let alone admire him, as a man? We live in a generation of men too scared, too confused, too dumbed down to assert themselves, and let me tell you now...

For all the chanting and screaming in the world about the evil effects of feminism (make no mistake, it is an enemy to healthy societal procreation), most of the bullshit the modern "man" has to deal with when it comes to the modern "woman", such as this:

Can simply be solved, by this:

With a little context:

Most shit the modern "man" deals with (not really) is simply a cry for attention from women; "WHERE'S MUH MANLY MEN AT?!" And he fails to deliver almost everytime...

For the record, even I still live by the "Old Skool" values, if I see a man beating or harming a decent woman for no good reason at all, I, and men like me, would make him pay for being such a coward. But a message for any of you future women out there that cross my path, as Mr Connery aptly puts it (to paraphrase); don't go out of your way to push my buttons, to shit-test me, because not only are guys like us perceptive fuckers, but we will promptly remind you of what it means to be a woman...

I *urge* more and more young men (and women) to brake the shackles of all this modern bullshit and learn the long but rewarding process of returning to quintessential masculinity and femininity, for one cannot survive without the other!

Women need a little more of this:

There's a reason many of the best looking Anglo-Saxon women went back with the
There's a reason many of the best looking Anglo-Saxon women went back with the "evil barbarians" during the Viking era...

And men need a little more of this:

Feels too damn right!
Feels too damn right!


Fuck this, too much blue screen for me today!

Relearning the "Masculine Love Language": A Guide to Honour Codes
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