Lonely Pretty Girls Exist

Lonely Pretty Girls Exist

There is such a thing as a lonely, beautiful woman. This might seem hard to believe, but they do exist, and being passed over as often as the next person can leave them feeling just as lonely as anyone else.

Without trying to let my ego come into play too much with this myTake, I’m just going to say that when I was a teen and young woman, single, I would often hear, “You’re so pretty, why don’t you have a boyfriend?” I knew what I looked like, often considering myself to be average. This is just based on what many others had to say to me, and why a pretty girl might find herself perpetually single.

1.The assumption that a pretty girl must be getting constant male attention and having sex. This was often dropped on my lap. I was “assumed” of being a sexually experienced girl when I was as young as 15, even though I was a virgin at that age. I had matured earlier than most girls, and seemed more womanly I suppose. My look made people assume I was also engaging in adult situations such as sex. The mere thought (or rather, misconception) that I must be already sleeping with guys turned guys off, and they couldn’t be convinced otherwise. As I got older, being presumably pretty also sent some signals to men that I must be getting more sex, because they thought men were paying attention to me and I must be succumbing to them. So. Not. True.

2. “I’ll never get her, so what’s the point? I’ll go for her friend.” Many times, I had been passed over by guys who said they liked me, but decided that I must be unattainable. Or maybe my look made them think I was not going to want them in return. I ached for a boyfriend in my teens, 20s, and 30s, but men seemed to think I was only really good for sex, thinking that’s all I was about. While I did have sex, not many men wanted more than that, thinking they couldn’t take me seriously for anything more. (Yes, it was actually conveyed to me this way.) Some guys also believed I'd just end up hurting them since they assumed good looks must be about having options, and that a pretty girl must have such weaknesses and no values that they will constantly be taking other men up on their offers at all times.

Lonely Pretty Girls Exist

3. The longer I was single, the more people just thought I just simply didn’t want a boyfriend. As time went on, I’d have bouts of more than five years between boyfriends. Sure, my friends would know I’m looking for someone, but determined that my being alone meant I was okay with having independence, and that I might have preferred it.

Women who often learn how to do things on their own such as dining out, making them seem confident and comfortable to do so.
Women who often learn how to do things on their own such as dining out, making them seem confident and comfortable to do so.

4. “You’re so pretty. You can get any guy you want.” Such ridiculousness. I can’t even tell you how many times I approached Mr. AnyGuy only to be turned down. Obviously, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not every guy found me attractive. Also, if the logic is any pretty girl can get any guy, then you’d be seeing every pretty girl with any guy. But you don’t. It’s because people are in denial about selectivity. Men can be just as selective as women, no matter how much they don’t want to admit that. A cute blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl usually won’t attract a man who prefers dark, exotic, gorgeous Latinas at first glance.

5. Beautiful women who have bad attitudes and personalities. Again, with the belief that looks should get a girl any man, a lot of men may like her look at the beginning, but if they soon learn she’s the type who is impossible to talk to, they'll move on. Just because a friend may think she’s a good friend when they’re together, doesn’t mean she know her behaviours when she's out with men.

Lonely Pretty Girls Exist

Not all pretty women, or women for that matter are going to accept your offer to dance, go out, or give away their phone number. Will they get looked at by men? Sure. Will they be approached by men? Sure. But don’t assume that she doesn’t experience loneliness. In some cases, it can be surprisingly more than you'd expect.

Lonely Pretty Girls Exist
Post Opinion