Confessions of a Ladies Man Is Back! Advice for Ladies on Dating Apps. Red Flags to UnMatch

Confessions of a Ladies Man Is Back! Advice for Ladies on Dating Apps. Red Flags to UnMatch

It is a crazy dating world out there isn't it? It is even worse if you are a gal that does not live in the big city. You options there are limited. But how do you know if a guy is worth your time? How do you know whether to continue talking or move along?

He Doesn't Ask You Out
Ever experience a nice guy online and you are waiting for him to ask you out? It seems you guys can talk the entire day! Exciting conversation. Similar interests. Or you have been talking for 3 days but he hasn't asked you out? MOVE ON. A guy who does not ask you out within 24 hours of meeting you on a dating app is not worth your time. He either is weak and shy or he is in a relationship. You should not have to beg someone to go on a date with you. They should be excited! If you are talking to a guy and he hasn't asked you out. Then you need to grow some ovaries and ask him out on a date. Yes. Say that word "DATE" so he know why you are getting together. Judge his reaction. If he is not excited? MOVE ON.

He talks about Nude Pics or Dick Pics
Two words...MOVE ON. However, if you are horny and just want sexual attention online. Then have fun!

Emotional Hangups
Any mention of him being depressed and stuff. Move on. Not worth it. Trauma is okay if he has a therapist and he is mature in dealing with it. If he seems to be doing great and is mature. Cool. Beautiful. But weird put downs about himself and lack of confidence? MOVE ON.

He Jokes About Sex
Actually this can be a GOOD thing. As long as he is playful and not creepy then flirt away! But if the conversation starts being only about sex? Then at that point he will be horny and see you only as a booty call or fuck buddy. Sex is a great conversation if it is done in a way that advances a relationship values discussion or is a playful witty response prior or during a date. But a continuous discussion of what you like in bed or pics simply means you have an F-Buddy. If that is what you want. Cool! But if you want something REAL? MOVE ON.

Confessions of a Ladies Man Is Back! Advice for Ladies on Dating Apps. Red Flags to UnMatch
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